Chapter Twenty-Four

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Aquafina's P.O.V.

"Ravensight..." my wife, Grimoire began. Ravensight couldn't tell Grim our promise or the worst would happen! I couldn't lose Grimoire... Think, Aqua, think! My mind cried. My heart was racing, my mind was rushing, my breathing shallow, everything was so hot... Burning. When all of a sudden everything began to go dark and I felt my body begin to fall. Oh, Sparkdust have mercy, I thought, not wanting Grimoire to find out about my drug use.

I couldn't just black out and have Ravensight deal with my wife, so I began to pray to my grandfather. Thankfully, my praying had worked for almost as soon as I had fallen, I was up and awake.

"What the hell just happened?!" my wife squawked and I winced.

"He had a seizure," Ravensight explained.

"No shit Sherlock! But why," he pressed and Ravensight tensed. I had to do something, and fast. But I can't lie because my right ring finger always twitches as I lie. Maybe he won't notice, though.

"I'm not sure..." I lied, rubbing my head with my left hand. I felt my finger twitched and hoped my wife hadn't seen.

"Aye, maybe the sun knew what we be up to and some'ow used 'is powers when the moon was up, striking ye as a warning," Ravensight guessed, glancing at me in questioning.

"It does make sense," I exclaimed as Grimoire stared at the two of us.

"Perhaps," the siren agreed, relaxing. "Are you alright, Aqua?" he asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder worryingly.

"I'm alright, and I'm ready to train!" I said as I flexed my arms, causing the two to laugh.

"Aye, ye crack me up! Maybe the Sun might surrender after seein' yer guns," Ravensight joked.

"Possibly," I stuck my tongue out at them and I could almost see a blush forming on my wife's face, ignoring it, I walked up the stairs and down onto the shore to train.


Roaring as loud as I could, I slammed into some of the crewmates, the water rushing at my feet furiously. Oh goodness, I haven't fought in so long! To be honest, it felt... Great.

"You're all moving about like floundering tadpoles!" I cried at them.

"Aquafina! We've been training for hours!" one of them whined and I sneered.

"None of you are resting until you strike be down!" I roared, slamming my claws down on the water, causing it to rise up to their knees. Ravensight hasn't been keeping them strong, they were all lazy mutts! I never should've let him be captain... Especially now that I know how he feels for my daughter.

"Time's up!" I heard someone shout and I blinked, looking up. There I saw a woman in the air, she smirked down at me and suddenly all my legs were tied together and I began to fall. Smart kid, I thought as I landed in the water with a crash.

Standing up, I heard them cheering and I chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, you all earned some rest. But remember, we sleep when the sun is high and bright," I said softly as they all headed closer to the dry land. "Now, who's next?" I chuckled, those I were training with were hardly a portion of the crew! And they all even knew me. This proves how weak they were, then again, I was a dragon.

"How about a one on one?" I heard a voice and I tensed, rage already getting into my system. It was him, the damn ember who gritted his teeth at my daughter. He made the mistake of challenging me... This was going to be fun.

Without even giving him a warning, I attacked him, ready to rip him to shreds. He shouted in alarm and water rose up high from the ocean, I felt myself smiling. I was enjoying every bit of this.

"What the hell man!" he cried and I glared down at him, watching his flesh go pale.

"You dare hurt Luna?" I growled and rage flickered into my eyes.

"Hurt? I said the truth and she hurt me first!" he snapped and I swiped at him.

I let out another snarl and I lunged at him, heat pulsating through my body until steam appeared on the water. I slowly began to smile as I saw him step back, fear in his eyes. I rose up on my hind legs and let out a mighty roar, before hearing my wife shout at me.

Oooh shit...

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