Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Deep in the meadow, under the willow..." my mother sang to me. Her voice was so pleasant, her voice didn't bring fear or hypnotize, but it was just as beautiful. I don't even know how long we were like that, her singing as she played with my hair, my head resting in her lap as I slowly dozed off...

"Luna?" I heard Ravensight and my father both ask and I shuddered. I really wanted to be left alone, away from boys, that is.

"She wants to be left alone for now," my mother softly hummed and Aquafina nodded, turning to leave.

"I ain't leavin' until ye apologize to each other," Ravensight huffed and I grumbled. Can't this bird just leave my family and I be?

"...seriously Raven," my father sighed, "whatever pleases you. Grimoire, I got carried away, way too carried away, I know it was wrong, and I'm sorry."

"And it was wrong for me to yell at you, Aqua. I'm sorry," Grimoire said, her fingers running through my hair. And after a few moments of silence, I realized we hadn't made a basic plan for the battle to come. So, sitting up, I began to speak.

"Now that we're all here... We should discuss the task at hand. Fighting the Sun,"


"So, the basic plan be talkin' to the Suns, then if they don't listen, we be usin' violence?" Ravensight scoffed.

"Ravensight, we have many powerful creatures on our side, we might be outnumbered, but our power in our minds and souls should beat them," I spoke to him softly, reaching out and holding his hand. I could almost feel the heat rush to his face as he looked at me.

"So Ravensight, please do this for us... For me," I saw him shiver as I gave him my best puppy face.

"Aaargh! Alright! Alright! Quit makin' that face!" he cried, making me release his hand as he looked away.

"Thank you, now, shall we get back to training? Every single one of us?" I said, looking at my parents and friend.

"As in?" my parents said in sync.

"One half should battle the other half, we should understand each other's tactics and strategies and mindsets... Every little detail is a huge part of the waters," I explained and they stared at me, wide-eyed.


"Since when were ye a battle expert?" Ravensight joked and I let out a giggle.

"You'd be surprised if you really saw what's within my shell," I replied more seriously. This was it, we were going to stop this war that all saw, but didn't worry for. This time, the sun and moon will be at peace, night and day will share the world, and make it safe and happy. If not, then...

All hell will break loose, and all will suffer.

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