Chapter Thirty

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Before me, were two giant people. A man and a woman. The man had bright cheddar orange hair and the woman had my hair color, both had short hair. The man's hair was thin while the woman's pixie hair was thick. Both were leaning into one another, hands clasped together. It looked as if they practiced their arrival...

"What is going on here?" the man opened his bright yellow eyes and stared down at the scene before him.

"G-Gr-Great, great grandfather!" Helios yelped, flames vanishing and I sighed in relief. The pain I was enduring was over. "Wh-What a surprise! What brings you here?"

"Do not play fool, Helios. The stars have seen your crime and have seen how childish you are. It makes me ashamed to call you a Sun," the tall, large man spoke. "And you are even fighting your niece! She is only trying to knock some sense into that small mind of yours and you stabbed her mother!"

"Uh... Sorry to interrupt sir, but who are the two of you?" I asked, glancing at the now deflated Helios.

"Of course you don't recognize us, dear," the woman laughed softly, kneeling down to see us better. Her eyes were silver-blue, everything about her showed a calming grace. "We are your great, great, great grandparents. I am Ganymede, and this is Scuti," she gestured over to Scuti, who gave me a small smile.

"Hello dear," he said, before returning his attention to Helios.

"...Hi. But this doesn't make any sense, I thought the Sun and Moon can only enter earth when they aren't visible, at all... How are you here?" I asked, looking up at my great, great, great grandmother.

"Helios is just taking in the form of a human, he isn't truly here... Different magic applies to different things," Ganymede explained and I blinked.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, we have to deal with a child and help you win the war." my jaw dropped. We just... We just won? No... I was dreaming. I was still resting my head in mom's lap, asleep as she sang. But I felt the burns, I heard the screams, I smelled the smoke... I tasted the tears. This, this was real. We, we actually won. We won!

"Luna!" I looked over my shoulder to see Ravensight run to me, he went to touch my arm and I winced, moving away. "Are ye okay?"

"Y...Yeah, my skin's just melted a bit," I muttered and he looked at my arm. His eyes went wide.

"Did... Did Helios hurt ye?" his jaw had dropped when he saw my arm, which I refused to look at. I nodded.

"Here, let me," Tsunami said, walking over to me and treating my injury. "It will leave a rather nasty scar, Luna. But you should be fine."

"Thank you," I mumbled before looking back up at Ravensight.

"So," he said.

"So," I replied.

"We won..." he looked around and I nodded.

"It be crazy, looking back at it all. When we first met ye didn't trust me. Not one bit," he chuckled.

"Yeah... It is," I laughed slightly, before shivering. It wasn't even cold, yet, I was. And without even realizing it, I had leaned into Ravensight for warmth.

"Ye got the shivers...?" he put his arm around me, I looked up into his warm pools of chocolate.

"Mhm..." we both grew quiet, staring into each other's eyes. Slowly, we lean towards one another, not even noticing.

Then, we kissed.

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