Chapter Eleven

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When I woke up it was a waning crescent, blinking, I realized how screwed up my schedule was. Grumbling, I curled up beneath the covers of the warm physical cloud I had learned to call a bed. How in the name of Cancer did I not know what a bed was until now? And why wasn't I given one? I knew Aqua was rich from seeing him carry out piles of treasures from his daily adventures of exploring shipwrecks.

Closing my eyes, I began to drift back into the dimension of flourishing imaginations. The only way to let out the childhood you had after so long of being trapped.

Opening up my eyes again, I was in a garden, this time it was a full moon. Looking around, I noticed that I was able to recognize all the flowers there. Out of all the flowers there, I noticed that there were far too many moonflowers. But they were all so beautiful.

Walking throughout the labyrinth of flowers, I let myself get lost in the scent and beauty of it all. I just let my stress and worries slip away like a light, silver wire in the wind. Smiling to myself, I just couldn't help but sing. I rarely ever sang, I never liked it when someone could hear me so I was always quiet since my family was always around.

Anytime I did sing around others I sounded awful and people would embarrass me because of it, but when I was alone in nature I was accepted. All the birds had their own unique call and the other birds did not judge because of it. In nature, you had your own unique voice. It stood out yet blended in with the rest.

  This was the thing I admired about nature, nothing could be judged and everything was accepted. Some flowers grow in the say, others grow at night. One bird can fly, one can swim. Nature had its opposites and its equals. It was Yin and Yang, both very different but the same.  

The snap of a twig pulled me out of my thoughts and back into the moonlit garden. Tensing, I looked around. There was nothing but me and the peaceful garden. How was that possible? I could've sworn I heard a twig break behind me.

Shaking my head, I just assumed I had stepped on a twig without realizing. Slowly, I began to walk once more, but I didn't let my thoughts drift, I remained alert just in case it wasn't me who caused a twig to break.

That's when I heard a strange growl. There was no way that was a normal creature that emitted that sound. Somehow, I knew that in fact, it was a hellhound. Why is a hellhound here? Why wasn't I moving?! This thought jolted me out of my petrified state and I began to run. Even though I knew I wouldn't be able to outrun it, maybe I could outsmart it?

Taking a deep breath, I heard the huffs and growls of the beast close behind me. Instantly, I spun around and leaped, when I landed I heard the confused growl of the beastly dog. Smiling to myself, I continued to run in a rhythmic way. My heart was beating a tune, it was hard to put my finger on it but it sounded like my heart was making a song.

If the world decides to rip everything away from you in a trial, better take the multiverse's breath away. I thought and I leaped up, climbing up the wall of bush and flower. There was absolutely no way I was going to be a hellhound's snack.

As I heard the invisible dog bark, I leaped from wall to wall, the flowers shaking from the contact. My heart was playing the tunes of a drum, although it was racing, I felt oddly calm. Like how I did when the waves rose and when I met... Selene. Faster and faster I ran and leaped until the hound's sounds faded into the distance.

Slowing down, I made one more leap before I stopped. Breathing heavily, I looked around. The labyrinth stretched on for miles and miles, the colors of the flowers were faintly visible but the moonflowers shone brightly in the moon's spotlight. Smiling, I couldn't help but laugh.

This was just a game in my maze, my kingdom.

This was my moon garden.

This was my moon garden

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