Chapter Nine

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Breathing Night

Oh, Sagittarius have mercy... I thought as I stared at the cadaver. James killed one of his own just to keep me safe. I felt my own stomach churn and I looked away, unable to bear the scene before me.

"Oh relax, it's just an unmoving body," I heard James say as he removed the blood from his clothes and skin. "Seriously, I think you have switch personalities or something," I muttered, holding back the vomit.

After a bit, I just couldn't hold it back anymore. I heard him hold back a gag from behind me. "Oh geez... I didn't know you were that squeamish about open wounds," he muttered, I could tell his eyes were avoiding me. Standing up, I got rid of the vomit from my lips, my throat still stinging from it.

"I'm okay now, I think," I muttered, glancing over at the troop. He was looking at me worryingly and he appeared sick as well. "We should get going," I said, still queasy from the sight of gore. James nodded and he began to walk, me trailing behind him.

"You do realize that you're screwed once they discover you murdered one of your kind," I said softly and I saw him nod grimly. "I know, they'll have my head for it..." he mumbled quietly and I tensed. "W-Wait, that's how your life works?" I stuttered and I saw him look at me blankly by the corner of his hypnotic marine eyes.

"Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, blood for blood... That's how my world works."

Oh, Capricorn... Dad was seriously protecting me from the outside world, I thought with wide eyes. Shaking my head, I tried my best to ignore all of the recent events as we walked side by side, the only thing disturbing the insane silence is the waves, rustling trees and the singing of birds.


"Luna!" the voice caused me to jump. Instantly I spun around in the direction of Ravensight's voice. He came back for you... I thought as tears sprang into my eyes. "Shit, he must've seen the blood," I heard James say then I felt him gently tug at my wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking into his eyes. "I still need to bring you to the Sun, although I went against his rules I am still loyal to the task at hand," he said, pulling at me harder. "Then you can bring me to him with Ravensight!" I hissed, pulling my hand back sharply.

"That bird and his crew will kill me if I do tag along!" he growled back at me.

"No they won't, if they try then they'll have to kill me first, then deal with a dragon who rules what they cross," I said sternly, staring into his eyes. "You don't quit, do ya..." he muttered, staring back as I felt his grip loosen.

"Nope," I replied and with that, I headed for where I last heard Ravensight's voice. "Ravensight?" I called and I heard his voice, his sweet, sweet voice I oddly thought I would never hear again. "L-Luna?! Luna, where are ye?"

"Just keep calling, I'll follow your voice," I called, running to where ever I hear his voice. Eventually, I reached the shore once more and I saw dried blood on the sand, I was back at the sight. The place I saw a life being lost for mine. "Ravensight?" I called, looking around as I tried my best to avoid the cadaver, and with that, I was suddenly tackled.

"Luna!" the captain cried out joyfully. "Damn it, I swear you're a puppy!" I grumbled, sitting up with the captain hugging the life out of me. "I thought ye were dead! I... I thought-" his voice wavered like the ocean waves. "Geez, emotional much? Look, one of the troops never wanted to be a part of this, is it okay if he were to join us...?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" he said as we both stood, getting rid of the sand on our bodies. Suddenly we heard the rustling of trees nearby, I glanced at Raven and he shrugged. Whatever was making that movement was not his crew nor James... It was something else.

Stepping in front of me, Ravensight brought out his machetes, preparing to fight. At that moment, the rest of the troops who were sent to fetch me burst out from the treeline, weapons already drawn and hatred on their features.

Instantly, a mysterious chill came over me. The last ray of sun was still visible, along with the first ray of the moon. "....Bring them to the water," I whispered in a rather calm voice, my breath was visible as if it were winter. Although the captain gave me a second look, he listened, dancing in the way of battle, leading the flames to the water.

It was time I knew who I truly am... Taking a deep, cold breath, I waited for the last ray of light to vanish as I watched the fight. Surprisingly, Ravensight fought better in the water than on land, he slipped and slid about in the waves as the troops struggled. The water grabbing at their ankles.

Taking another deep, chilling breath, I raised my hand high above my head. The moonlight just beginning to form a spotlight glittered on the waters. Then, I screamed. The water rose up high above our heads in the form of what I believe was a hand. With one simple movement, the water grabbed the troops and threw them far, far away.

"Holy Kraken!" I heard Ravensight cry as I collapsed to the ground. The chill was gone and I was absolutely exhausted. What did I just do?! "What was that?!" he shrieked and I winced. My head was pounding and my heart was racing. "Quiet down... I have no clue what happened either, all I know is that I was suddenly cold and I somehow knew I could do that without really knowing," I muttered, my hands on my head.

What did happen? It was as if I were...

Breathing in the night.

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