Chapter Three

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Crow's Nest

"She's been sobbing her bloody eyes out the entire time she got on this damn ship!" a crew member on the ship squawked at their so-called captain. I was currently where the wheel to steer this weird pirate kind of ship was, staring at the island I had known to call home. The sun was just beginning to rise, though it didn't brighten my mood as it does to the water.

I had to leave my life behind, I just had a few minutes with my dad before I got tugged onto the ship. Remember, as long as there are ripples in the waves, I will always be here. His words still echoed in my head. They both gave me some things they thought that would help me out while on the run, I had a bag of things on my back and tears still in my eyes, dripping down my suntanned face. I didn't even get to say goodbye to the twins...

"You 'ight?" a voice had startled me from behind, I whipped around already getting rid of the tears and potential mucus. I was a gross crier, in my opinion. There was a young boy, around my age, standing there. It was clear to me he knew his ways of the sea better than me. He had dark, brown skin and a voice that sounded like he was a real-life pirate. But what really blew me off was that he. Actually. Has. Muscles. No guy my age even has something close to what one would call muscle.

"Y-Yeah, yeah... Totally, it's not like my whole life was just ripped away from me," I said sarcastically and a small laugh emits from the guy. It was rich and sweet like honey. "Ye's got humor! That'd be one of the most important traits of a crew member," he said wholeheartedly. At that moment I felt my blood begin to boil, "I don't want to be a member of this crew, bucko. I don't even want to be on this grandpa ship," I snapped. At my words, I saw shock flicker over his strong features, but it faded quickly, returning to its joyful look.

"Yer a feisty gal! I like that! Now, you don't have to be a crew member, but yer stuck on this ship with us. So, allow me to give ye a tour," he said convincingly. Does this guy ever quit? I thought. But I reluctantly agreed since I knew I would need this. "Did your captain tell you to do this...? If so, you don't need to. I can figure out my way," I said in a rather snobby tone which would've made my dad start squawking like a bird... Literally. "Jeffery? Oh no, he ain't the captain. I'd be the captain!" he said and I couldn't help but hold back a laugh. "Y-You? A captain? Pfft. That is the dumbest thing I've heard of," I said, struggling to hold back the laughter.

"And yet King Tut was marked as king at the age of ten..." he replied slyly, and I couldn't help but smile. "Touche," I said to him, a smile on our faces.


"Dinner!" we heard a crew member cry, instantly I bolted to the main deck. For hours I had spent with the captain that I learned his name was Ravensight, he had shown me everything but one thing. He said to be patient and wait, so I did. We both chatted away until it was time for the meal. "Cheater!" Ravensight cried as he bolted to catch up with me like a child playing tag.

"You finally got the baby to quit cryin' ey captain?" the same crew member who complained from before spoke. "Oh hush your trap, Hurricane. You never had to be separated from your sisters," Ravensight said to the seaweed green-haired woman. Instantly, the woman tensed then growled, bolting to the side of the ship and jumping over. Before I could run after her, Ravensight said, "She's a mermaid."

Relaxing, I went over to Ravensight and we sat side by side, enjoying a meal together and with the rest of the crew. "So Luna, what do you do for a living?" Ravensight asked with a mouthful of salmon. What does he mean by that? I thought to myself. "Well, I don't really do much other than reading, swimming, wandering, and stargazing," I said quietly, almost instantly I heard the captain squawk, "Seriously?! That'd be it?! You honestly don't have a life." those words hurt like a bullet to the head. Shooting daggers at him, I heard a loud gulp emit from him.

"S-Sorry, but are ye done eatin'? It'd be almost time for the last thing I've gotta show ya," he said, already standing and waiting for me to get up. "Finally! I've been waiting all day," I leaped up to my feet, ready for what was about to be shown. Right as I did, Ravensight began to walk to a wooden pillar, hesitantly, I followed him. When I reached him he patted the wood, "This here be the Crow's Nest! My favorite part of this here ship," he said proudly.

"Your favorite part of this ship is a wooden pole? It looks nothing like a crow's nest," I muttered, clearly displeased by what was shown. Then what blew me off was that the captain burst out into his rich laughter. "You honestly don't know a thing about ships! Look up! The last one there is the Kraken's lunch!" he cried, jumping up and beginning to climb. Automatically, I backed up and ran to the pole, leaping up and running up the pole like an animal. Apparently, some animal actions are far more useful than human actions, I had figured that out in my early childhood.

I had quickly gained on the captain and soon even past him, although my muscles ached I kept going, heading for the nest. "Aye! No fair!" I heard Ravensight call out below me and I couldn't help but smile as I pulled myself into the crow's nest. Within seconds the captain was next to me, "For once I'd be tired...!" he wheezed and I laughed but it quickly vanished once I actually caught sight of the view from up in the crow's nest.

"W-Wow... Is it always like this?" I asked as I stared at the setting sun, complimenting the waters of the ocean. "Basically," Ravensight said, but his voice was distant to me as I leaned on the railing. My eyes glittering like the ripples in the golden waters, like my father's eternal love. For the first time ever, I realized something.

True love can never die.

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