Chapter Two

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"Keep her safe!"

For the first time, I actually felt the terminology of fear. Deeper and deeper into the rainforest I was led, the moonlight beginning to glitter across the water made me think of my own blood soon being spilled. Who was that? How did they even get on the island? Why did my father react like that?! And why was my mother running so fast that I could practically land on my face?

"M-Mom slow your fins!" I huffed, unable to breath from my desperate attempt to keep up with my mother who was gripping onto my wrist. Luckily my mother had heard me and slowed down to a pace I could keep up with, even run ahead, if I really wanted to.

"Mom-" I began, but Grimoire, my mother, interrupted. "We can discuss this once you're safe," why was this so important to her? Did she know dad was a dragon? Is she one? Was that figure behind me mythical like dad? In the distance, I heard a roar from only which I could guess was a dragon's.


After what seemed like hours of running, mom finally decided to give me some mercy by coming to a stop. Gasping for air, I let the sweet relief of oxygen fill my lungs. As I slowly began to catch my breath, I heard a splash. Looking up, I noticed mom was gone and a pool of water was resting nearby, ripples going along the surface.

Staring at the water, I let my hearing go up to extreme and I remained tense. Prepared to run or fight. But as a creature emerged from the waters, I was able to recognize them as my mother, but she looked more like... A mermaid of sorts? Relaxing my muscles - which I don't really have, I tilted my head in questioning.

"I'm a siren..." my mother answered my thoughts. "Wait, so the twins... Are they...?" I began. "Yes." my mother replied as if knowing what I would say.

"They are with your great-grandfather Sparkdust," my great grandfather is a well-known man in China, although he's like a hundred years old he looks to be in his fifties. He walks with this cane and he has a young woman for a maid, she was always nice to me when I visited... I believe her name was Wishdrop. Wait a second... Sparkdust is the biological grandfather of Aquafina - for some weird reason he calls him Aquamarine - so wouldn't that mean he's a dragon too...? I realized.

"Shoot the questions," my mom said nonchalantly. Instantly, I let my questions pour out of my mouth like a waterfall, I shot them left and right at my mom and she remained calm, responding to each with ease.

"Your father was trying to protect you from the mythical world, it is rather dangerous than normal life... He is one of the only aquatic dragons and he protects a Cosmic Stone, the Aquatic Stone. It controls all forms of liquid, Aquafina is supposed to protect that thing with his life, but he is also a prince of dragons... He is only one of twenty-five."

"Twenty-five?! Oh, Aries have mercy on grandma..." I said, which caused my mother to quirk a brow. "Sorry," I muttered, "But that doesn't explain why that... That thing is here." I voiced my thoughts.

"On that slip of paper, it also said, 'you must sacrifice your life for her's when in danger, or karma will strike. She is being hunted.' your father took this as a sign you are a very important being... That you must have some sort of royal bloodline like his. That thing must be here for you," the siren spoke softly, looking at me with remorse. At first, I didn't understand why she was looking at me like that then...

"Oh, Virgo... Virgo please no... This can't be happening... I can't go out there on my own! I'm just a thirteen year old! You can't leave me! Please!" I began to beg, tears just beginning to form in my purple and golden eyes.

"I'm sorry, Luna. This is our only hope... Some of your father's friends are here, they will assist you and remain at your side for a while..." Grimoire spoke sadly, tears forming in her own eyes as well.

"Why can't they help dad fight that thing or get rid of this situation?!" I yelled, my voice soon to waver. I can't lose them now... We have so much to do together... I should've gone out and joined my family more often... I thought as a swarm of tears began to blind my vision.  

Is this what it's like to say goodbye?

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