Chapter Seventeen

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Starry Skies

"Luna?" Ravensight asked me and I snapped out of my dazed state.

"Huh? Wha?"

"Ye okay...?" he asked worriedly and I rid the tears from my face.

"Sure, I just miss home," I said, standing up as I moved away from the home-like glow. I just want to go home, I thought. I miss my family... I just want one more hug from mom and dad.

"It be alright," Ravensight said, hugging me from behind. "Yer family misses ye too, I just know it." he finished, and shivers were sent up my spine. Along with a tear rolling down my face.

"Thanks, buddy," I spoke meekly, patting his cheek. "I really needed that..." my voice wavered when I spoke, and Ravensight clearly heard it for he did not let go, he just stood there and comforted me. It was as if he understood what I was going through, but the two of us knew he doesn't.


"Luna! Look at what I found!" Ravensight's voice echoed in the cave walls, we were deep within the crystal cave.

Hesitantly, I walked where I heard his voice, and I began to hear water dripping. Odd... I thought. The cave was rather barren, it was like a desert. No trace of water, so I began to walk faster.

"Ravensight?" I called out, and I heard Ravensight hum in reply. He kept this up and I realized something. He was doing this so I can find out where he was, so that is what I did. I followed Ravensight's voice.

But as I followed his humming, the hair on the back of my neck rose. The captain of a mythical ship had begun to sing, and it sounded like melting butter, or honey. Who knew a raven can have an angel's halo... I thought as I ran after the luminous voice. No, not just luminous. It was so much more, it was more than a siren's voice, it was more than an angel's... It was more than all the voices of the night, it was Ravensight's voice. He was so much more than all of those beautiful things.

Ravensight's voice finally lead me to him, and I had entered a cave that leads to the outside ocean. The sun was glimmering inside, making the water glisten, along with the cave's damp features. He was sitting on his knees by the water, hands clasped together as he sang, and I had this feeling that it wasn't just him singing... it was someone else.

Slowly, as I began to train my mind on it, I did hear something else. I heard something singing deep beneath the waves... I heard a siren's music. Oh no, my heart sank to the deepest depths of the ocean. Ravensight began to stand up and I tensed. Why wasn't the song taking me as well? Was it a siren I knew, or couldn't sirens choose more than one person at a time? I had no clue, but I did know that I had to get Ravensight out of this cave. And fast. But how?

"Ravensight!" I called but to no avail. The bird named captain gave no reply, and he took a step into the water.

"Ravensight!" I cried out a little louder, grabbing his hand. Again, nothing. He took another step. I was running out of time, my heart was beginning to race.

"Ravensight, please listen to me!" I screamed, my voice cracking like fire. With this, he twitched. He was still there. But my own mind was clouding to the siren's song. Breathe, Luna. Remember your mother's teachings... My father's voice boomed into my head. Taking a deep breath, I pulled him into a hug and hummed a tune all too familiar to me.

Once again, nothing. And my mind clouded over once more, and I felt myself release him, taking a step to the water... the song was soon more important to me than anything else. Where was it coming from? Where is Ravensight? Where is my family? Who is this siren? These thoughts were showering down on me worse than acid rain. I was fighting against my own mind, I wanted to see the siren, but wanted to protect everyone.

By the time I noticed what was going on again, I was deep underwater, struggling for air, but yet not struggling. Oh god... Get out of there! My thoughts cried, but I did nothing. Then, I remembered something. I had bent water once before, and I can't remember how. It just happened, on reflex. Just try! My mind screamed again and I listened. Closing my eyes, I relaxed and tried to flick on that switch. 

But it didn't

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