best friend-Randy (1/2)

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*Rye's POV*
and it starts again another day, leaving my house at 7:45am, meeting up with mikey then jack and then brook, arriving at school at 8:00am and making my way to form for 8:10am, then 3 lessons then lunch, the best part of the day, i get to spend an hour doing whatever with my mates, then 2 lessons then walking home with brook, jack and mikey to brooks because he lives closest messing around for a bit, doing some work then heading home, playing football with my brothers, dinner, more homework then going to bed. And again the next day it repeats, and again and again.

i'm not complaining i just miss my life before year 8, my friends are great and schools alright, there's just some part of me that wants a slight change to my regular routine.

monday, and my same schedule repeats, wake up, leave the house, meet mikey then brook then jack, get to school then go to tutor, sit in my regular place right at the back with brook in front of me, jack next to him and mikey next to me but all turned to face each other so we can talk. then the head comes in and everyone turns to face him, "good morning class, today we have an addition to your tutor" he said, the new boy entered the class room and immediately looked at me, he looked familiar but i didn't know where from, the head prompted him to introduce himself and he stood there awkward and shy, i looked at my three friends, and none of them had any look of confusion or such so i looked back at the boy and he quietly said his name but i couldn't hear him from the back.

The head left and out form tutor prompted him to take a seat and there were only two seats free, one right in the middle of the classroom and one to the side of me that mikey wasn't sat on, he sat next to me and i turned to him and smiled, he smiled back and said "hey," "hey i'm sorry but i didn't catch your name before, i'm r-" i replied, "i know your name rye" he said, i looked at him shocked, looked behind me at my friends who looked equally as confused then looked back at this mysterious boy, "how do you know my name?" i questioned. the boy just smirked, "well you used to be friends with a boy called andy fowler, am i right?" he said half smiling half smirking, "erm yeah he was my best friend before he left, how do you know that, even these guys don't know much about him" i said referencing to my friends, now i thought about it he kinda looked like andy, i continued to think about andy, until he caught me by surprise, "ryan leanord beaumont, it's me andy" i just stared at him with my mouth wide open, i thought about how only andy knew my middle name, i then shot out of my chair and wrapped my arms around him and practically screamed "oh my god i can't believe you're back" we both talked until the end of tutor and i introduced him to mikey brook and jack and they got on dead well.

all the way through first lesson all i could think about was how happy i was to have andy back in my life he used to be the best part of it and when he left without telling me, he didn't leave any explanation and blocked all forms of contact, i cried for days, scared i'd lost my best friend forever and now he was back and i couldn't be happier.

I'd met mikey a few weeks after Andy had left he cheered me up but nothing could replace my friendship with andy, i'd told him how my best friend had left without telling me and he'd done an amazing job of cheering me up and once about a year had passed since andy had left mikey had asked me why my friendship with andy was so special and i'd told him i'm gay and that andy has supported me through everything even when i first came out, that i'd came out to him first and he helped me through the anxiety of telling my parents and everything and mikey guessed that i'd developed feelings for andy and he was right and now that he was back i couldn't help but feel those feeling coming back.

sorry for the slow uploads i quite like this one, do you want a part two?
for lilhec1986

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