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*Jacks POV*
Andy was in his room doing a live and i just wanted him to end it so i could hug him, I was in a proper cuddly mood.

I watched him for a while, how happy he looked talking to all the roadies, i texted him.

Jacky✨: you look so happy talking to the roadies, don't rush yourself but when you've finished the live text me, nothings up just want to give you a hug, love you fovvs x

he looked to his door and smiled at me then said to his phone "give me two minutes roadies", he jogged over to the door and wrapped me in his arms and whispered in my ear "hey love, why don't you just join me?" i nodded and followed him back to sit in his little comfy corner.

"hey guys i'm back and jacks with me because he was bored so i asked him to join me" andy said smiling at me

I yawned and leant into his side as he wrapped his arm around me and he started answering roadies questions.

I was reading one of the questions and one of them said can you get jack to say hi so i smiled at the camera and said "hi" and the comments started to flood with "awwws" and "cutes"

"send in some of your instagram @ names so we can check them out guides" andy said and the comments started to flood with accounts, one that kept being commented caught my eye and i got my phone out and got the account up. andy watched over my shoulder as i started scrolling through some of the posts and liking them, they made some really cute edits.

andy then picked out another one that's user name had jandy in it, i chuckled when he said it and searched up the account, they made real cute edits of andy and i so i decided to follow them.

After going through a few more accounts and answering a few more comments andy decided to end the live, before he could even lock his phone i jumped up and pulled him to his head and climbed into it, "someone's eager for a cuddle" andy chuckled. "hurry up" i groaned.

He crawled into bed beside me and i instantly cuddled into him and sighed satisfied "love you fovvs" i mumbled half asleep "love you too jacky" he replied and with that i fell asleep

sorry this was so bad i didn't really know what i was writing😂 by the way all of these are unedited and i will go through and some point and sort them out but every time i go to i really cba

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