Randy - mine

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*Andy's POV*

we had just got home from a long tiring day of filming our elton john medley and i had just crawled into bed when rye poked his head around my door.  "hey babe, can i come in?" he asked sheepishly. "yeah sure but i'm not staying up for ages i'm shattered what's up?" i replied. He said no more and walked into the room in only his boxers and crawled into my bed with his face very close to mine.

His demeanour had now changed from a sheepish one to something more playful but with slight anger. He pecked my lips and snaked his arms round the back of me to pull me closer to him.

Rye then rolled us over so i was lying on top of him. He started into my eyes and pecked my lips again. He slid his hands down into my boxers and squoze my ass.

*Rye's POV*
after what happened earlier i needed the whole house to know that andy was mine so i crept to his room and joined him in his bed and once i'd rolled him on to the top of me i started my fun. I squoze his ass and he let out a loud moan and flushed red. I then squoze it again and he moaned again. "your ass is for me, and me only, i am the only one who gets to touch it. ok?" i said whilst squeezing his ass again whilst saying 'ok' he moaned again and nodded trying to reach my lips but i pulled away "you. are. mine." i then said and squoze his ass after every word. "who's are you?" i questioned "yours" he mumbled. I squoze his ass again but harder and he moaned my name. "now everyone knows you belong to me" i said whilst cuddling into him to go to sleep.

yeah so this was this

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