Chapter 3

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As the royal family got inside the castle, many royal servants were lining up oppositely.

They bowed down as the royal family walked. Sofia, who was a new comer walked as she bowed down to the servants. 'We don't have to bow down to the royal servants' Amber, who was walking next to Sofia explained proudly as ever. 'I think it's gonna be a while to get the hang of things around here.' Sofia replied. 'Just follow my lead and you'll be okay.' Amber said.

'Great!' Sofia smiled as she was going too fast. Amber tried to catch up and she said 'that means I lead, you follow.' She left Sofia as she walked faster than her. 'Ok...following...' Sofia said awkwardly but something got her attention.

She saw the royal servants carefully put her throne onto the floor. 'Be careful mate. That's the new princess's throne.' One of the assistant said to the other assistant. Sofia was amazed. She had her very own throne. Suddenly, someone bumped into her and said angrily 'oh! Watch where you're going!' Sofia regconized the voice. 'Mr. Seedrick!!!' Sofia exclaimed. 'It's Cedric!' He said. 'Oh! It's great to meet a real life sorcerer. That flower trick is uh...mazing!'' Sofia said happily. 'It spelled a...mazing. You completely waste my talent and yes thank u!' Cedric made himself disappear using his wand.

Sofia covered her eyes with her hands as the dust coming out from Cedric's wand. She slowly opened her eyes and asked 'Mr....Seedrick?' 'Uhum! I am Baileywick, the castle stewart. It's my responsibility to make the castle where it should be, when it should be and you my dear, should be back in the hall, 30 seconds ago' Baileywick said. 'Oh right!'Sofia said. 'Off you go!' Bailey wick said. 'Going!' Sofia held her dress up(like princess do) and went to the hall.

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