And the friendship begins.....

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Next day, it was the first day of school.

The sky was clear, the shining golden ray travel through the window to lavender's room, birds chirps melodiously. It was a perfect day.

Throughout the night she was thinking about embarrassing event that happened.

Her mom told her a whole list of things not to do on her first day of school.

Her mom was a single parent and seldom stays home. But that didn't compromise in her love towards her daughter.

Her mom begun

" Lave listen carefully
Don't scream, speak politely and NEVER ever fight with your classmates"

After that they both leave for school. It took about 15 minutes from her house to school. The school wasn't a big one but for a 5 year old It was as big as a theme park.

Her mom leave lavender with her teacher.

Before going she said " Lave do you remember what I told you?"

Lavender nod. She begun " Lave enjoy your first day and if anyone bully you don't stand it fight"

She said her Goodbye as she kiss lavender's forehead. Her teacher took her to classroom.

When they entered the classroom every body was talking with their group.

The teacher quite everybody down and announced " This is your new friend. I hope everyone will befriend with her."

The teacher asked lavender to introduce herself.

Lavender took a deep breath and Stared

"HELLO ! EVERYBODY!! All the kids started to listen attentively. Just when she was about to continue she noticed a boy in the back of the class. He was the boy she met yesterday. What was his name again she started to think 'sha.... shan...'

Shane was not paying attention but when he took a glance  of her... they both scream

"oh! the scardy one!"

"The wood boy Shane!!"

Lavender's face becomes pale as everyone started to stare at her and asked shane

" what are you saying shane? what do you mean by scardy one"

Shane was about to say something but a boy sitting next to him stoped him saying

" It's enough, give her a break. she is new here. "

shane said

" look! jake . This is the boy, i was talking about. The one who got lost and scared."

Jake shuts his mouth and said" QUITE DOWN will you?!"

After watching this lavender gets a feeling that this jake boy is more sensible then shane. Jake looks intelligent and mature.

After that lavender continues introducing herself. She begins with
" l am lavender hirasawa. I'm from tokyo ,because of my mother's work ,we came here. I hope we will get along."

After hearing that shane whisper in jake's ear " lavender is a very girly name for a boy...isn't it.."
jake asked him "what do u mean?"
Shane say " i mean for a boy ,isn't it girly..."
Jake  said " who is a boy? You're confusing h...." 

Before shane could say anything the teacher interrupted them by give lavender seat between shane and jake.

After the end of the long day that lavender spend in adjusting and trying to stop shane from talking about yesterday lavender got really really tired.

School just ended. As everyone was packing up at that time shane screams

" School's over guys, boys lets go and play soccer"
as he said that a girl ask him " why only boys? We want to play too"

shane laughs very hard and said" really , are you for real, we will play soccer on the mountain park , can you go there girl!?"

the girl did not say anything. No was written all over her face. shane again says "girls can not play with us. Sorry"

After listening all that lavender thought that she can't play either ...even though she really wanted to ...she got up pack her books gets ready to go home.

As she was leaving shane hold her hand and ask her " where are you going  , don't you wanna play "
lavender got surprised but her happiness get over her surprise.

 After reaching mountain park ....everyone starts playing soccer usual everyone was playing soccer.

Everyone was divided into 2 team.

First team's captain - Shane

Second team's- jack.

Although Shane and jack looks best of friends when they play soccer they turn from friend to foe very easily.

When both the captain begin to choose players for their team. Lavender was chosen by Shane.

The game began.

As soon it started Shane scored a goal.

Lavender goaled after 15 minutes.  5 minutes after that jake scored a goal .

They kept on scoring goal one after another. After an hour the score were 5 each.

The next goal was going to decide the winner of the game.

As Shane was running after the ball he slipped and he hang to the edge of the mountain. Jack rushed to his help but he also slipped and end up hanging too.

Till then every single boy started to run towards their home in horror.

Only lavender stayed and help both of them. She firstly stretched her arms towards them but failed then she use her brain and handed them a broken branch which was laying on the floor.

Shane and jack hold the branch. She pull with all her strength. She saved both of them.

This was the second chapter of friends forever. You guys might have notice and my editing skills are improving ( not bragging 😋😊) if you like this chapter please vote for us. PLEASE!! And comment also

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