Sun and Moon Together

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" Why am i feeling dizzy???
I feel like the houses are running." lavender asked to no one in particular.

Lavender was walking in the streets. Although the street were bright enough to walk, her feet lost balance and she bumped into a guy .

" What the hell, girl are you looking for a fight?!" bad guy no. 1 said.

" Don't say that she is pretty,
maybe she wanna hang out with us" bad guy no. 2 said.

" Hey guys look, she looks a little tipsy" bad guy no. 3 said.

I am already feeling weird and now I met these miscreants.
If I weren't feeling weird they would have been dead meat by now.
I can't fight with them right now, let's run for now.

lavender tries to run but she was too dizzy to do that.

Bad guy no. 4 grabed her hand and pull her back to the spot she was standing before.

"Wow you look tough but you have very smooth hand." Bad guy no. 4 said
Lavender struggles but it was of no use.

Those bad guys started to laugh at her helplessness.
She was feeling scared.

" Help...

" Who the hell are you boy." Said bad guy no. 2

" Hey Richie rich go back into your car if you don't want see a pool of blood he-"
Before bad guy no. 4 could finish his sentence shane punch him in the stomach.

Levender was about to fall on the hard ground but Shane grab her.

" Lave stand properly"{ he call her Lave 😁}

"Wait ARE YOU DRUNK?!!!!" Shane exclaimed.

" Hey you. are you trying to be a hero here " bad guy no. 2 said and with that all three of them charge at Shane.

Shane held his free hand up and all three of them stoped.

He gracefully put her inside the back seat of his Mercedes.

" What the hell are you doing dragging yourself into this shit"

" Sha......Shane........?" Lave said
" Sorry....
I am so sorry........."

" What is the use of saying this now"

" And don't cry I will save you" Shane said
{ Aww he still have feelings for her😍}

"I am so sorry ....
Dad."  Lavender couldn't say anymore and fell unconscious.

" How can you think about your dad at this time." Shane said while stroking her hair.

Bad guy no. 3 try to hit Shane with a  rod but he fell on the ground with a kicked on his chest.

" Rule no. 1:Never chit-chat in the middle of a fight.
DON'T you know that ." Jake yell at Shane.

" yeah yeah. I know. " Shane shut the door of his Mercedes.

" I told you guys to wait. " Shane said and punch bad guy no. 2 on his jaw. Making him fall on the ground with blood in his mouth.

" What did you thought they would listen to you. Someone who don't even bother to hear someone out" Jake said as he kick bad guy no. 4 in the left leg making him fall on his knees and did a roundhouse kick on his head making his lose conscious.

"  yeah right.....Liars are talking now. " Shane said.

Bad guy no. 3 throw a punch at Shane but he dodged smoothly and throw a hard kick right into his rib cage.

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