Chapter Two

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Supper that evening tasted like ash in my mouth and sunk like tiny rocks in my stomach. I couldn't get past a few mouthfuls. Part of me was scolding myself for wasting food like that. I would have given anything for a meal like this back when Taeyong and I had been stranded on that island...

I fiddled with my chopsticks, watching my family sitting around the table. My father was resting his back against a cushion, listening to my sisters describe our little outing today. My mother was hastily refilling anyone's dish that looked too empty. She frowned at mine, but moved over to my father's when he paused to answer Haruka. When everyone was done, I got up and made my excuses, glancing at Momoka to see if she remembered her promise. She nodded minutely and I trudged up to my room to pack. My flight back to Korea was tonight and I wanted to be prepared in case...just in case.

Everyone was seated in the living room in a small semi-circle and they all stared at me while I brought my bags down the stairs and dropped them near the front door. I took a deep breath and went to join them. Although everyone was sitting on a chair, I opted for the floor, kneeling in front of my parents sedately. I caught their shocked expressions just before I bowed my head and shiver ran through me. God, this was hard. How had Taeyong done this? When he told me he had come out to his family a few years ago, he said it like it was the most natural thing in the world. Of course for them, Taeyong's uncle had been living out and proud for many years before, even adopting his sister's children when Taeyong's aunt had died. It wouldn't be quite as much of a shock. This would be a shock.

"O-otou-sama. Okaa-s-sama." I said, using the more respectful versions of mother and father. I let out a quick sigh and forged forwards. I could do this. "I have something I want to say to you."

Silence. Even Haruka was quiet and still for once.

"I..." My voice got stuck in my throat even though my lips were moving. I coughed softly and tried again.

"Do you remember I told you...b-before the accident...that I wanted to speak to both of you?" I heard both of them shift in their seats and murmur yeses. "I w-wanted to tell you that...that I." My hands were shaking on the floor and I pulled them into tight little fists together in my lap. I focused on the tiny sand grain pattern in the tiles under my knees. It reminded me of the beach. The sand that used to cling permanently to my skin on that island. It reminded me of Taeyong.

"I like boys..." I whispered. It was soft but I knew they heard me because I felt it. I felt the air leave the room and the hair on my arms stood on end. Oh god.

"What?" My father said.

"I'm gay." I said with more force than I intended. I looked up quickly but before I could even see what expression was on my father's face, he stood up and left the room. Shit. My heart skipped a beat and I bit my lip to keep the tears hanging on my eyelids from falling. It did nothing. When I blinked again, they fell and I let out my breath in a gust of a sigh. I moved to get up, but my mother was suddenly beside me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Let him go, Yuta. He will need time." She mumbled in my ear. I peered at her from behind my lashes that were clumping together.

"And you? Do you need time?" She brushed my hair from my face and shook her head slowly.

"No, Yuta, I don't need time. Thank you for telling us." Us...I glanced over at my sisters still sitting in their seats. Momoka looked incredibly bored, already tapping away at her phone. She must have sensed I was looking at her because she looked up and caught my gaze.

"Don't look at me. I already knew." She said and went back to typing. Haruka was sitting beside her, quiet, but she didn't looked particularly moved by my announcement.

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