Chapter Nineteen

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Taeyong was quiet during our flight to Hawaii. His doctor had given him permission to finally start practicing, but to take it slow. No fancy tricks for now. And he hadn't been performing with us on stage during our four stops. New York had been first, then a quick stop at Chicago (Johnny had enjoyed being home.), L.A and now the last stop. Hawaii.

"Hyung? Can I borrow your neck pillow?" Jisung squatted in the aisle of the plane and poked me in the side.

"I - " Taeyong tossed his at him before I could say any more. He grinned at both of us and hurried back to his seat.

"What are you going to use?" I asked him.

"You." He shifted in his seat until his head rested on my shoulder.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Nope." He replied, but he didn't move. I flicked his cap because I couldn't see his face.

"Don't drool on me." He grunted.

When we landed we had to hurry because our flight had been delayed. Taeyong got everyone booked into their rooms, Mr Lee by his side, while everyone else was running around like headless chickens trying to find out where their set of stage clothes were. Apparently the stylists had had a mix up with 127 and the Dreamies wardrobe. Taeyong came to find me when he was done.

"I'm going to sit this appearance out." He said to me quietly while my stylist faffed with my hair. It was parted down the middle today and she did something to make it curly.

"What?" I ducked when she tried to fiddle with my earrings. No one touched my earrings. Except Taeyong, of course. "Why? Are you feeling sick?" He shook his head no but didn't offer me another explanation. He just squeezed my hand gently and left the dressing room. I didn't have the time to follow him and push for an answer, but it bugged me all throughout our performance that I went through on muscle memory alone.

Even if Taeyong couldn't dance yet, I knew he liked watching us perform. He said it made him feel proud of all the hard work we put in. We had a small interview after the performance with the MCs of the show, but I didn't listen at all. I barely even noticed if they had asked me a question. No one had poked me to say I wasn't paying attention so I didn't worry too much. I tapped my foot on the car ride back to the hotel. Why was this car so slow? I was the first one out, dashing past the front desk in the hotel not really caring if I looked like an idiot.

The worry in the pit of my stomach had built up all night and it was like a ball of steel now, rolling around in my gut. I was probably just being paranoid. I swiped the card Mr Lee had handed me before we left on the door handle and staggered into the room, breathing hard. We hadn't been to the rooms before we left for the show so I was a little taken aback by how big it was. We were on the ground floor. The sliding doors were open and the wind outside was making the curtains billow gently. I hadn't noticed on the way back because I was so worried, but the sky was dark and grey and just then a rumble of thunder sounded in the air. I scoffed. Just our luck to go to Hawaii when they were having a thunder storm. I moved to close the windows but Taeyong's voice stopped me.

"Leave them." He said. I hadn't seen him when I walked in. It had been so still and quiet that I thought he was sleeping. Instead he was half sitting-laying on a lounge chair in a dark corner facing the doors. His skin was pale in the natural light. His bare chest looked like a slab of moving marble; his legs, one curled up on the chair, the other dangling over the side, were hairless and smooth. His hands were probably my favourite part of his body. I know I teased him about them being bony and frail, but they looked beautiful on him. One was resting on his lips while the other traced the pattern on the chair absent-mindedly. He looked ethereal sitting there like that. Like a god walking amongst men. His eyes were glued outside.

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