Chapter Three

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When I walked off the plane and saw a message from Taeyong that he was coming to pick me up, I'd almost exploded with happiness. Right now, though, I've never wanted to punch someone so much in my life. I didn't even know if it was Jaehyun or Taeyong. There was just a ball of need growing in the pit of my stomach. The need for violence. It must have shown on my face because Jaehyun removed his hands from Taeyong's shoulders like they were burning.

"Uh..." Jaehyun said as he took a step back. "I'll...go wait in the car." He held out his hands and Taeyong clumsily tossed him the car keys as I stood there trying not to lose my shit in a very very public way.

"Yuta, that really wasn't what it looked like." Taeyong said as he moved closer to me.

"Oh?" I answered, shouldering my backpack and pulling out the handle from my bag so I could pull it along by its wheels.

"Yes." He said and moved in front of me as I tried to walk around him to the door. "Honestly. I just gave him a hug because..." He coughed softly and looked around like he was making sure no one was near enough around us to hear. "Because he said that..." He pulled his cap down further over his eyes until I couldn't see them anymore. All I could see was his cheeks turning pink as he mumbled, "That we were good together. You and me." My mouth opened slightly from shock.

"Huh?" I said. I shook my head stuck a finger in my ear to check if there was anything inside blocking me from hearing properly. "He said what?"

"Yuta." He complained as he laughed. "You heard me."

"That changes nothing anyway." I said folding my arms over my chest. "You didn't need to hug him." I was being irrational, I know but I was flustered and jealous and tired.

"You're so cute when you're jealous." He smiled at me, wrapping his arms around me in warm hug. My arms were trapped between our chests and I sighed as I felt my anger evaporate while his smell invaded my senses. He smelled really good right now. God, I'd missed him.

"Come on, It's late, we should go." He bent over to take my bag, sliding the long handle back into its slot and gripping the smaller one. "The car is this way." He tilted his head to the left and started walking. I followed behind him slowly as I wrapped my head around what I heard. Jaehyun had been...nice? OK, that wasn't really fair. He had been perfectly nice to everyone else lately. Except me. Now he was, what? Accepting me? I knew he knew Taeyong and I had gotten closer after spending all that time together on the island, but this... This was probably the only person right now who knew we were actually dating. Had Taeyong told him or had he just guessed? I frowned but got in the car when Taeyong opened the door for me, tossing my smaller bag on the floor by my feet. I chanced a look at the front seat where Jaehyun was sitting and caught him staring at me.

"You OK?" He asked. For once he actually looked like he might want to know the answer. I gave him a nod and he smiled at me. It was jarring. I hadn't seen that look on his face directed at me in a long time. Taeyong pulled the door closed behind himself as he joined me in the back seat and rolled up the windows until it was nice and dark inside. I assume he did that so he could reach over and hold my hand tightly without worrying about anyone else seeing. He grinned at me like he was a kid getting away with eating candy while no one was looking. I snickered in the dark. He was such a dork sometimes. Jaehyun started the car and we set off. It wasn't that long of a drive, but I had been up since 5am and I was tired so I must have fallen asleep at some stage. I woke with Taeyong's hand brushing the hair at the base of my neck as he directed Jaehyun to the right parking spot. He looked down at me and smiled when he saw I was awake.

"We're here." He said softly. I got up and rubbed my eyes as I yawned and stretched across the length of the back seat.

"You look like a cat when you do that." Taeyong said. I beamed because he said it in Japanese.

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