Chapter Twenty Seven

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A/N: Saengil Chukahae Winko-chan. 🎆🎉🎂🎈🎁 This chapter is NSFW 🙏😳 Little ones, scroll past the stars. Also... I think the next chapter is the last one at this point in my story. Thank for keeping up with me so far. I promise, Yuta and Taeyong haven't shut up in my head. I'm already drafting out part 3 and it will probably be up soon. Thank you!


Taeyong and I were on a date. We were celebrating the fact that I had gotten a pass from the doctor to slowly start practicing again. Pretty soon I would be back to performing and I couldn't wait.

"That was the longest two months of my life." I sighed as I sank back into the soft booth in the restaurant.

"You still have half a month to go." Taeyong said next to me. He was typing out something on his phone.

"If I was a jealous boyfriend I'd ask who you were texting while I'm sitting right next to you." I said. Taeyong rolled his eyes and laughed, putting his phone away.

"You are a jealous boyfriend." He answered, sliding a hand along my leg. "I was just texting Yeong Hoon-ssi."

"Oh? Is he OK?" He nodded and leaned his head on my shoulder while he played with my hand.

"He's fine. I just don't know if I should keep him around anymore. Choi is gone. I haven't gotten any more crazy stalkers lately. I don't need him around 24/7 any longer."

"Well, maybe he could just be added on the rotation for the dorm." He patted my hand and sat up when our food arrived. He smiled and thanked the waiter who blushed a little and held out his ordering pad.

"I'm really sorry, but can you sign this for me? I'm a really big fan." He said shyly. Taeyong's mouth dropped open just a little and he chuckled slightly, taking the note pad and pen.

"Sure. Can I have your name?"

"Oh! Kim Won Soek." He stammered. His eyes lit up when Taeyong handed him the pen back and he held his note pad like it was a religious relic.

"Thank you so much." He turned to me and gave me a small bow before running off again. Taeyong wiped his hands against his jeans, smiling widely.

"Taeyong is famous too." He wiggled his brows at me and I punched his arm as he reached for his steak knife.

"Don't gloat. It doesn't suit you." I replied and handed him a small plate so we could split the food. A giant plate of steak and fries was in the middle of the table.

"I'm dying. I feel like I haven't eaten in a month." He piled meat high on his plate and slathered ketchup on his portion of fries.

"Yah, are you eating fries or ketchup?" I laughed at him.

"Fries are just ketchup shovels." He said brightly and proceeded to shovel them in his mouth.

"You're lucky you're so handsome." I mumbled and he kicked my foot under the table. He looked ridiculous. His cheeks were so full he looked like a chipmunk.

Taeyong drove us back to the dorm again, music playing loud and the windows down. He was honked at a few times at stop streets when he paused to rap some of his favourite parts of the songs on his playlist.

"You're going to get a ticket." I laughed when he stuck his head out the window like a dog and belted out a crazy long note. He just grinned at me when he slipped back inside and we were off again. He reversed into the parking lot under the dorms and just before I could open my door, he had his seat belt off and leaned over to kiss me. It was quick but hard and he sucked my bottom lip when he pulled back.

Hotel Roommates // Yutae Fan FicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt