Chapter Eleven

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A/N: another long update coz damn, the boys just put out Regular and I died. I'm posting this from the other side. Enjoy. There are some (major) naughty bits. You have been warned. 😸😸😸


The sun was out today. It sparkled through the window as I threw the curtains open.

"Urgh." Yuta groaned when a beam of light hit his eyes and he rolled over. The movement pulled at the sheets and dragged it lower down his body. His back rippled in the sunlight and because we were alone I gave in to the urge to run my hands over it. His skin was warming quickly.

"That feels nice." He mumbled into the pillows. My hands drifted lower, down his spine slowly and I stopped when my hands fit snuggly against his ass.

"That feels nice too." He said and lifted his head to look over his shoulder. "What? Are you going to spend all morning admiring my ass or - " I pinched him roughly and he yelped mid-sentence.

"We need to check out. We have to meet the others today." I told him and got off the bed.

"It's only...what time is it?" He fumbled around in the covers and found his phone under the pillow. "Shit." He said. I laughed and continued into the bathroom where I started brushing my teeth. Yuta popped up in the mirror 30 seconds later, his hair all over the place, with a pout on his face.

"yfh neuvy gtyr fungy laod." The muttered under his breath. I stopped brushing for a second because I couldn't hear him clearly.

"What?" I asked. "I couldn't hear you."

"I said lets hurry up and get out of here." He replied and picked up his own toothbrush. I frowned at him in the mirror and he ignored it, blowing me a foamy kiss. I was 99.9% sure that was not what he said. One hot shower later, (Thank the gods for hotel rooms. The chances of getting a hot shower in the dorm was like playing Russian roulette), and I was knocking on Mr Lee's door. He answered the door with a small bow and turned to collect his small bags before following Yuta and I down to the lobby to wait for the others. My phone pinged the whole elevator ride down.

TI: Who left whipped cream on my bed? 🙅

HC: Umm...

TI: ...I...

JN: Why do you even bother asking anymore? 🙍

TN: 😂

DY: Wasn't Mark Haechan's roommate? Why was he in your room?

HC: We had a slumber party! ⛺😪

TN: This is all making sense now.

JN: That was your first mistake. Letting him in the room.

JH: Check out time is like in 5 minutes. Why are you guys not in the lobby?

MK: Haechan lost his shoes. 👟👟

JH: Did you check Taeil's room?

YT: They're with me. From now on I'm always keeping a pair with me. 😾

JH: Do I even want to know?

HC: 😂😂😂😂

HC: Mianhe hyung.

TY: If everyone is not downstairs in 5 minutes, we're leaving without you, I typed.

We left half an hour later than we were supposed to. I swear you would think this was a group of 10 year olds and not fully grown adults. I massaged my head while reading through our schedule for the day. A two hour drive to Busan, an NCT diary session with each unit, a small break before heading to wardrobe to get ready for a variety show. My stomach grumbled and I winced. Damn it. I forgot to get breakfast again.

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