Chapter Twenty

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Jaehyun sat next to Yuta and I on the plane back home. I hadn't stopped smiling since he'd actually joined us for swimming, which had devolved into just dunking each other under the water.

"Are you that happy?" Yuta asked me halfway through the flight.

"I'm so happy." I answered with a grin. "Super happy." He laughed and flicked my cap so it popped up off my head.

"Stop it." I punched him in the arm. He punched me back. I pulled back my arm to punch him again when Jaehyun piped up;

"Guys, do you want to get kicked off the plane?"

"How are we going to get kicked off the plane? It's not a taxi." Yuta snickered.

"Are we supposed to walk to Korea?" I asked and Yuta cracked up again. Jaehyun sighed and covered his face with a sleep mask.

"You guys are crazy." He muttered. He was smiling though.

I was still happy when we landed. Happy during the car ride back to the dorms. When my manager called Yuta and I to the conference room at the company's headquarters? Not so much...

It reminded me way too much of the last time I had been summoned like that. For the meeting with the CEO about my scandal. Yeong Hoon-ssi waited outside the conference room door. Yuta gripped my hand tightly as we sat down next to Jin-ssi, so I knew he was worried too. What on earth was this about?

"Ah. Yuta-kun. Taeyong-ah." My heart started beating double time in my chest. Shit. It wasn't even the CEO. It was the Company's founder; Mr Lee Soo Man.

"Soo Man-ssi..." His name stuck in my throat. I coughed lightly and stood up to bow at him. Properly like I was taught to when I was little. Yuta bowed next to me as well after greeting him.

"Sit, sit." He said as he sat in his own chair across from us. "Are you well? Both of you?"

"Yes, Sir." I didn't dare say any more than that. If he was here, it had to be something major. Fuck.

"Don't look so nervous." He chuckled. "I asked you to meet me here today because...well, because of a video." He said and gestured at my manager who pulled a tablet out of his bag and laid it on the table in front of Yuta and I.

A video? When it played my heart jumped into my throat and stayed there, choking me. I couldn't breathe. It was a video from our trip in Hawaii. The girls on the beach must have uploaded it... the caption?

'YUTAE IS 100% REAL!!' It started with a clip of us by the buffet table. Jesus, I hadn't even realised how close we'd been standing. Even from as far away as the video was it was impossible to miss the small touches Yuta and I shared. The video moved on to us sharing breakfast. Our legs were touching under the table. Then we were walking away. I remembered Yuta moving to hold me...yes, there it was. The whole world was watching him squeeze my ass. Yuta pushed the tablet back in our manager's direction.

"As you can see, the video was brought to my attention by our moderators and so the question I'm here to ask you two today is this: ARE you two dating?"

There was silence for the longest time in the room. I held my breath. Yuta and I had discussed this in Japan when we were under the covers and dreaming of not having to walk around in masks and hats covering our faces so no one could see us holding hands. I had already made my decision to come out long before. I knew if I was ever asked, I would never deny it. But this wasn't just about me. In the end we had decided to just do what felt right. Right now that felt like waiting for Yuta to decide. I was ok being me to the rest of the world but this was still new to him and he might be feeling cornered and panicked and -

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