Chapter Six

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My legs were getting numb as I sat on the edge of the emergency room's bed. The stitches I had just gotten pulled at the skin on my face uncomfortably. I always wondered what getting stitches would be like and it was weird as hell. There was no pain but I could feel the needle and thread digging into my skin and pulling it together. I reached up to touch it again when Jaehyun appeared out of thin air and slapped at my hand like I was a misbehaving child.

"Don't touch it. You'll make it worse."

"I can't help it. It feels weird." I complained. He passed me a bottle of pain killers and a piece of paper detailing how to take care of my stitches and when to go get them taken out.

"God, I have the worst headache." I said, climbing down from the bed.

"I would too if I had been knocked in the head with a glass bottle." He said to me and led me out of the room, down the hallway into the waiting room. I wanted to glare at him but moving the muscles in my face was strange right now and took too much effort. Yuta stood up from his chair when he saw me and hurried over, tilting my face back when he got to me to inspect my face.

"Are you feeling OK?" He asked. I tried to nod, but damn. A sharp pain like a hammer pounding through my skull hit me and I closed my eyes so I didn't feel like I was going to pass out.

"He has a headache. It's not a concussion, thank God, so he can sleep tonight. He needs to rest."

Yuta's lips pinched together and he took me by the arm so I could follow him to the car. The drive back to the hotel was a blur of lights and rumbling. The pain killers they had given me to numb my face was making me sleepy but I was holding off until I got back to my room.

In past the sliding doors. Up in the elevator. I saw my reflection in the mirror inside. Ouch. I was stumbling by the time we got to the room, Yuta swiped the key and I got pulled inside. Some of the older members were in the room waiting up. I saw them through my sleep-blurred eyes but I was suddenly way too tired to even open my mouth. There was talking, I heard my name a few times, and then I was in a cloud of pillows and it was quiet.

I woke up the next morning to someone shaking my arm.

"Taeyong?" A voice whispered. Doyoung?

"Hmm?" I blinked my eyes open but the room was dark. I could vaguely see Doyoung's outline as he stood next to the bed, leaning over me.

"Yuta sent me up to help you get ready. We're driving back to Seoul today." He said, rubbing my arm with one hand and brushing hair away from my face with the other.

"OK..." I replied and let him help me up out of the bed.

"You just need to wash up if you can. Yuta took care of everything else. Your bags are already in the car."

Doyoung and I had a strange relationship. We pretended to semi-hate each other but I knew deep down both of us considered each other friends. It was nice to see that I wasn't wrong. The light blinked on in the bathroom and I almost whistled at the pain that shot through my eyeballs. Sweet lord.

"Do you need your pain tablets? You took one in the morning so you should be due another one right about now."

"I did?" I said. I didn't even remember getting up in the morning. "Yeah, my head is killing me." I moved closer to the sink in the bathroom while Doyoung left to go find my pills and face looked about exactly like how I felt.

"Wow..." The entire right side of my head from my hairline down to the top of my cheek bone, a little further down to the base of my ear was one large purpling bruise. The stitches were covered up by a Band-Aid that we'd gotten from the hospital. Fuck. Washing my face was going to hurt like hell. I made use of the corner of a towel from the sink, dabbing it in cold water and cleaning my face slowly. When I was done I brushed my teeth, which took twice as long as normal and washed my hands. Doyoung appeared with my pills just as I was pulling some of my hair back to tie it in a little bun. It kept tickling the side of my face that was too sensitive.

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