Chapter Eighteen

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A/N Ahhhhhhhhh lol this chapter 🙈🙈🙈 ...maybe I'm just sleepy. Please forgive me.

Mature content warning and all that. 👶Dreamies, just move along til you see the ** stars**


Yuta flopped back on the bed when we got back to the hotel. His face was tight and his shoulders looked stiff.

"You OK?" I knew he wasn't but I wanted to give him a chance to talk about it if he wanted to. We had stayed over pretty late at his house but his father, who he told me came home every day like clockwork at 7 pm still hadn't been home by 10. Every minute that had gone by without him showing had dimmed Yuta's smile until it was a non existent line of tension.

"Yeah...I will be." I sat next to him on the bed, carding my fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. "Do you want to do anything tomorrow before we leave?" He asked.

"Do you? I know you miss being in Japan sometimes." I replied and my fingers drifted down the side of his head to play with his earrings. He was wearing his black cross today and two silver hoops.

"No...I just...I'm ready to go back to Korea." He said softly. I nodded even though he wasn't looking at me.

"That's ok. I don't mind." Yeong Hoon-ssi would be glad too. He kept having mini panic attacks when I strayed too far from his reach. "Do you want to shower before we go to bed?"

The water was hot and steam billowed inside the shower. Yuta was rubbing soap on my back when his hand stopped by my injured shoulder.

"It used to be so swollen here." He said. "It was scary to look at."

"I'm fine now. Hopefully I'll get cleared in two weeks. Then I can start practicing again." He grunted behind me and his hands travelled down the rest of my body. They stopped just above my ass.

"You have dimples here." He said in surprise.

"Huh?" Like an idiot I turned around trying to see for myself and ended up spinning in a circle. Yuta's laugh was loud in the small space.

"That is the cutest thing I've ever seen you do." He said while laughing. "You looked like a puppy trying to catch its tail." I huffed and he laughed even louder, pulling me close under the water. "I like the dimples." He said in my ear and he latched his lips onto my neck, sucking gently and running his hands over my skin. I was a weak-kneed mess pretty quickly and when I started rutting helplessly in his arms, he shut off the water and dragged me out of the shower towards the bed.

"Wait...I need to...towels..." Yuta's mouth was on mine when my head hit the mattress and I forgot about wetting the sheets. I moaned into his mouth when he gripped my waist and moved me further up the bed. He only gave me a second to breathe before he was back, plastering himself on top of me and shifting my hips so they would fit against his.

"Fuck..." Yuta liked to tease me that I didn't swear unless I was really horny but god that felt way too good and I was a little too far gone to feel self-conscious about it. He hadn't shaved that morning so his beard was scratching at my skin and I'm sure it will be bright red in the morning. I gasped when his teeth sank into my flesh. I could feel it all the way down my arm and I shuddered under him. He groaned deeply, grinding his hips harder and switching to the other side of my neck. My hands went to his back, clawing up the sides until they reached his hair and I pulled when he made me shudder again. It felt like my skin was burning. It was getting harder to breath and I wanted...

"Yuta, Please..."

"Tell me." He said softly. "Tell me what you want."

"I..." The words were there, I wanted to say them but... "I can't"

Hotel Roommates // Yutae Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now