25. Courage

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Ever since I could remember,
life had been a bunch of trepidations,
stacked one over the other like a perilous mountain, thieving me of my spirit to fight against it a little more with every passing day.

Ever since I could remember,
life had been a façade, laced with a lustre that faded faster than the mystique of the night as it split to let the sun back into the skies.

Every since I could remember,
life had been a struggle, battling with the ire of just how difficult like could get at times in spite of doing everything right for once.

Ever since I could remember,
life had never been a joyride, because joyrides were never meant test the girth of your fortitude by taking you along ghastly paths.


Ever since I could remember,
life had asked of me to sacrifice everything that made me happy, to burn down every last bridge that could take me away from the dreaded mountain.

And I let life take it all away.

Until I had enough.

That day, I still remember,
was when I discovered something else within me, something that had kept me alive against all odds in spite of the deafening roar in my ears to give up.

It was a different ring in my ears that day, a staccato rhythm replacing the senseless din that urged nothing more than for me to take the first step out of the mountains.

One step forward, two steps back.

And so I learned to dance my way
out from the mountain.

Into the world.

Into sanity.

And ever since that day, all I can remember is the very rhythm that urged me to live life on my terms.

The very rhythm that saved my life.

The very rhythm of living essence.

The very rhythm
that people seem to call courage.


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