106. Depression

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People see me in the morning
and greet me with cheers,
for their champion was here
to spread happiness and steal fears.

Shaking hands with me
and thumping my back on a win,
I am a shoulder for a crying body
and a secret diary for someone's din.

The day goes on and it's all sunshine
being at the top of my game each time,
dubbed the hero of my class
in football and mime.

The rush is insane, the love crazy,
I'm everybody's friend ready to be.
Everybody commend my spirit and mind,
'That smile of yours is one of a kind'.

The day starts to droop and I turn
back home bidding goodbye,
I close the door of my house and
enter Hell's favourite lie.

I cast the keys in the bowl
and throw my bag aside,
I look into the mirror
and let the smile die.

The house is sunken,
and so are my eyes,
gone is the hero
of everyone's ties.

I'm no longer good enough,
the sunshine long dried,
I try to remain normal
for appearance's try.

I go around the place
and complete my day's remainder,
my thoughts are now back,
my fatal caretaker.

They poison my heart
and continue to break my mind,
none of my successes
can save me in time.

I wonder so desperately
why my mask wont work,
why I could fool the world
but not my own smirk.

The despondence I feel has been
for years together at a time,
indeed I have mastered the trick
of fooling people's eye.

Everybody knows my smile,
yet no one knows the lie,
perhaps this is what it truly means to be depressed,
I doze off with a sigh.

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