40. Nostalgia

156 33 22

I see you.

I see you dancing in front of my eyes with the colours of a vivid past,
your colours so sharp, it
doesn't take me much
to believe that
it's real.

You whirl around me in tandem, luring me to be a part of those colours again, so bright and vivacious that I find myself an inch away from blending into you.

I know it won't take me much if only I stretch my hand out to touch you... to feel every single beat that you're dancing to, to rekindle every
single key whose notes
I've forgotten.

And yet I'm scared for I've ached for you far too long, your elusion slowly turning into my delusion, crumbling into a thousand shards of fragile porcelain the moment
I breathe into you.

The only thing you leave me with is to watch you dance, you in your realm
and me in mine while we both dance
to the rhythms of what nostalgia brings upon the floor

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