62. Pity

118 30 16

I pity the fool who puts on my
jewellery and thinks its free,
blinding must be the sparks of gold
that hides its scratches within.

I pity the fool who puts on my
jewellery and thinks its priceless,
perhaps the gems are colourful
enough to hide its dryness.

I pity the fool who puts on my
jewellery and thinks it irreplaceable,
there must be something about its
worth that slides past my attention.

I pity the fool who puts on my
jewellery and thinks its forever,
for today's riches are tomorrow's rags,
one day mine, maybe another day yours.

I pity the fool who puts on my
jewellery and thinks its everything,
for what you're going to take at the
end is what you've come into this
world with.

That right there.


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