76. Dizzy

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I look in the mirror and try to find myself
where my life and soul now reside,
perhaps it was the cost of being in love,
where you lost control over yourself with passing time.

It always was a two-edged sword,
a blade in your hand to cut me scars,
to wear as a veil of your love,
the bruises meant to be my pride.

Until finally I started bleeding through,
my pride now fading into pain,
what I once believed was my crown
was nothing but the fallacies of my mind.

You assured me that it was all for a cause,
that love, like everything else,
came at a cost,
perhaps I was fragile to bear your intensity
or you were too intense to bear my fragility.

I look in the mirror this morning,
and find another person looking back at me,
a hollow representation of my past,
her mind dizzyingly in plight.

I can sense the resolve breaking each day,
of adorning your scars upon myself,
the veil of love was enough,
but was it really without thy?

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