77. Wonderment

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I spend many a dusk in wonderment
watching the skies blaze to life,
until they're a swirl of fading colours
just like the passions of my life.

Twinkling into nascent life,
my eyes find the stars shimmer into light,
the skies are still bright
just like the passions of my life.

Bustling like the sounds of rush hour
the wind rushes through my ears,
around me like a wrapped companion,
just like the passions of my life.

The tepid seas are at rest,
long before the tide brings them ashore,
there's a stilling calm in its very depths
just like the passions of my life.

The city lights twinkle far
but never catch my focus,
for my sight lies far away above the sky,
just like the passions of my life.

The winds surge through my soul,
love through my very veins,
the stars look at me in wonderment,
just like the mystery of tonight.

I stand by the ledge looking at time,
while you sit behind looking at me,
both of us lost in the very flow
of the different bounties of life.

My hands raise upwards,
my gaze not far behind,
thanking him for what was now,
and what was to come in life.

The winds raise the wings of my dreams,
and help me flap high towards the skies,
you watch me reach outwards with a smile,
towards all my passions in life.

But it's when I turn around each time,
that you're caught by surprise,
until we kiss and hold each other in embrace,
as each other's biggest passion in life.

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