EC Poetry Awards

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My lovely readers,

In the last three months,
I've been a part of two contests hosted by EC Poetry - The Poetry Prize Awards (divided into three phases) and February Is Love, the results for both of which have now been declared.

I'm ecstatic to share with you all that Spectrum managed to make it to the Top 5 Ultimate Winners for Phase 1 amongst 100+ entries while a poem from this book (Joy) was declared the Ultimate Winner in Phase 2 in the Best Nature Poem category in the Poetry Prize Awards.

Heartbreak (the entry for February is Love) also managed to come in as 1st Runner Up in the contest.

A special thank you to ec_poetry for being such a supreme source of encouragement and motivation to put my best foot forward and to all you guys who've been rock solid with me in my journey as a budding poet. I hope to continue writing to the best of my ability and pray to touch lives the same way.

To now and ahead,
LM ❤ 

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