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I always believed that when I would finally fall in love, it would be forever; cemented and unchanging despite time or distance, because no obstacle would ever be able to break two people who truly love each other.

How could I have been so stupid?

There are times I wish I never met him, that I never gave him the chance to intoxicate me in a stupid summer romance that was doomed to fail. But then there are times I wish I still had him, that I could still see the corners of his eyes crinkle when he smiled at me or be the recipient of his flirtatious winks from the passenger seat of his car as I blushed and averted my eyes from his ever-present gaze. 

He ruined me in a way I never thought a person could be ruined. He evoked a happiness so pure and consuming that I forgot what it was like to ever be sad. He awakened me.

And now I am asleep once more.

A Spotlight Summer (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now