Chapter 1

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Sarah stares in the mirror, pushing back a strand of hair from her temple and tucking it behind her ear.

Negan should be back soon, and she was more than eager to see him, what with it being her birthday. At least she thinks it is. She'd marked the days down on a tatty calendar she'd found whilst out on a run, but at some point they'd lost track, losing roughly a few weeks, maybe up to a month. It was hot though, and that meant summer, which her birthday was right at the beginning of.

Unable to wait any longer, she hops off her single bed, and heads through the door, making her way down the corridor, her boots echoing on the cold, hard floor.

She rounds the corner, Negan's headquarters in sight, her shoulders shaking with excitement.

The double doors to his parlour are open wide, and she grimaces a little at the sight of his wives.

"He's not here," Sherry says, sitting at the bar with a glass in her hand.

Sarah stops, her hand pressed against his bedroom door. "I thought he was supposed to be back by now?"

Sherry shrugs her shoulders, taking a sip from the glass. "Probably come across some trouble out there.. but then, doesn't he always?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sarah frowns.

Sherry laughs, placing down her glass. "You really don't get it, do you?"

"Get what?" Sarah asks, quickly growing irritated.

"Negan is the trouble out there."

"And yet you're quick to accept his hand outs, so why don't you just piss off, Sherry?" Sarah sneers.

"I work for those hand outs," Sherry says.

"If you can call opening your legs work, then sure." Sarah heads out the parlour before Sherry can say another word, refusing to let her get under her skin.

But as she sits on her bed, staring once again into the mirror, she realises Sherry already has gotten under her skin.

Sarah disliked Negan's wives in general, but Sherry, she hated Sherry, with a passion.

As she rests her head against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling, she thinks of the first time she laid eyes on Negan.

She'd been surrounded by the dead, hadn't had a scrap of food in days, and was dangerously weak.

He'd looked down at her as if she were the most pitiful thing he'd ever seen, Lucille hanging over his shoulder as he'd knelt down in front of her.

"Well, shit. You look like you haven't seen a friendly face or a good fucking meal in a long time, sweetheart," Negan had said.

And as she'd gazed up into his hazel eyes, Sarah would swear she fell in love, right there in that moment.

He'd taken her back to the Sanctuary, fed her, clothed her, and given her a bed to sleep in. Negan was God to her, and for the following year, she'd done her best to prove herself worthy of being one of his men, working her way up the ranks until one day he'd asked her what he only asked his best soldiers.

"Who are you?"

Sarah had knelt down in front of him, her eyes not leaving his. "I'm Negan."

So she'd earnt herself all the privileges of being one of his top men, her own room, and the ability to take whatever she wanted. But what she really wanted, was him.


Sarah flicks on the lamp, her eyes heavy as the room begins to darken.

Just as she contemplates heading out to look for him, she hears the unmistakable sound of his boots pounding down the corridor.

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