Chapter 13

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Sarah had barely slept, and the ride back to Vince's had been an uncomfortable one. She'd wanted to say something, tell him how sorry she was and that she'd never deceive him again. But she remained silent, knowing full well he didn't want to hear it, and that she was already deceiving him again.

They pull up near the bridge, Negan getting out of the car without uttering a single word. Sarah follows suit, glancing over at the men already at work.

"How's shit going?" Negan asks.

"All good." Simon nods, glancing at Sarah briefly. "Vince had us out first light. They don't mind though, gives them something to do, makes them feel useful."


Simon furrows his brows as he looks over at Sarah, who's already standing watch without having to be asked. "She okay?"

"She's fine," Negan says without looking in her direction.

"You want me back at the satellite post?"

Negan shakes his head. "No, Dwayne's got it covered. I need you here. Fuck knows when i might have to go out again, and i want at least one person with balls here."

"Sure thing."

"What do you make of this place?" Negan asks in a hushed tone.

Simon glances around, making sure there's no one within earshot. "It's too soon to tell, but on first impressions, i don't like it. There's just something about it that seems off. I think it's what Sarah said, about the women."

"Anyone seem alright here?"

"That guy over there, Gavin, he seems alright. Maybe Brian too. Neither of them have been here long though."

"I hear you. See what you can find out, but try not to make it too obvious." Negan steps closer. "You figured out where their armoury is?"

Simon shakes his head. "No, but i'm on it. To be honest, i think Sarah stands a better chance of finding it. I so much as set foot out my room, Vince's men are on me like flies on shit, makes it hard to sneak around."

"I fucking hate all this pussy-footing around. We need to find that fucking armoury, see exactly how much firepower these assholes have got."


Sarah sits on the back of a truck, a half eaten sandwich in one hand, and an empty bottle in the other. She looks off into the distance, her mind a million miles away.

"You gonna eat that?"


"You gonna eat that?" Vince smiles. "Damn, you were in a world of your own."

Sarah looks down at her sandwich, shaking her head. "No, i'm not that hungry."

Vince raises an eyebrow. "You okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Really? 'Cause you don't look it."

"I will be."

Vince looks over at Negan, biting his lip as he hides a smile. "You and your old man fallen out?"

"He's not my old man."

"Ahh, i see. Well, that's his loss." Vince winks. "Let me top that up for you." He takes the bottle from her, heading over to a water butt and filling it for her. "Here you go. Don't want you fainting on us now, do we?"

"No, i guess not. Thanks." She offers him a smile, taking the bottle from him. Sarah glances over at Negan, her heart aching. He wasn't doing anything in particular, but he didn't have to, just his existence was enough to make her pine for him.

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