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They drive to the club and walk in. They found a seat and Finn with Bayley left to go get some drinks for the four. As Seth and Sasha waited a man came up to Sasha "hey sexy. How about I take you home and we can have some fun." The stranger laughs. "I'm sorry but I'll stay with my boyfriend" Sasha moves to sit on Seth's lap. "Bro you're Seth Rollins... and wait.. You're Sasha Banks!" The stranger realizes. "We are, now leave my princess alone." Seth says. The stranger walks away. Sasha tries to get off Seth's lap but Seth snakes his arm around her so she can't get off. "No stay here, you look cute on my lap but why did you say I was your boyfriend?." Seth said." Because we don't want a stranger taking me home tonight huh?." Sasha whispers in his ear, she looks around and saw the guy hitting on her staring at them she then gently kisses Seth's cheek. Seth saw him looking at them. "Hey he won't hurt you" Seth hugs her. Finn and Bayley walked back to their seats. "Woah! What happened here?" Finn pointed at the two. "Nothing just sitting on Seth's lap. "Okay... here I got us some shots"Bayley said. They all took their shots. Bayley and Finn went to dance. "They are so cute don't you think?" Sasha asks Seth. "They are, I'm glad they found each other" Seth tells her. "Well we all knew it was bound to happen some time right?" She chuckles, "duh. They always flirt with each other and Finn would not shut up about Bayley" Seth rants. "Same with Bayley, Finn is all she ever talked about" Sasha joins along. After a bit of silence a slow song came on. "Dance with me" Sasha whispers in his ear. She stood up and grabbed Seth's hand. They started swaying to the music. "So are you ready for Monday?" Seth asks Sasha. "No, I don't want to wrestle, I mean I love it and all but... it's hard to see Mikaze." She sighs. "Hey I know you are still upset about the breakup situation but you don't need him" Seth assures her. "I know but it's hard to see someone you loved that cheated on you" Sasha tears up. "I know sash" Seth pulls Sasha close to him and holds her tight. The song ended and they sat back down. "Listen you are the most amazing person I have ever met. I wouldn't be here without you, don't be sad I can't have a pretty girl like you sad." Sasha smiles at him, they started at each other, they started to lean in. "Hey guys! Let's go home. Finn is drunk and he'll start singing." Bayley broke their love trance. "Wait I'm sorry did I interrupt?" Bayley questioned "ugh!" Sasha groans and walked to the car. Seth stood up "yes you did. But it's okay, where's Finn I'll get him. Just promise me you'll talk to Sash when we get home?" Seth asks. "Promise." Seth drives them home, he lugs Finns body up into the bed that Bayley and Finn shared. Sasha and Bayley walked in. Bayley grabs Sasha without saying a word, she drags Sasha into a bedroom. She closes the door and locks it. "You like him don't you?" Bayley asks. "I don't know what you are talking about" Sasha smirks. "Please that whole just sitting in his lap thing was a excuse to be closer to him " Bayley exposes Sasha. "Ugh Bayley! Yes it was! But he likes someone else! I don't know if I even like him, it could of be just a thing! But I don't think it was... looking into his eyes. All I wanted to do was just kiss him and obviously do more if you know what I mean."Sasha explains. Seth was standing at Sasha's door hearing what she said. "Sasha tell him. The worst that can happen is-" Bayley was cut off by Sasha "is he doesn't like me back. Then it will get awkward. I like just the flirting we do" Sasha bites her lip. "Whatever kid. I love you goodnight." Bayley says, before she walked out Seth walked away fast. Bayley walked in to her room where she fell right asleep. Seth knocked on Sasha's door. "Yes?" She opens the door. "Oh come in" Sasha smiles.

A/N: Guys I don't think I don't all that good. But thank you for the support I appreciate it!

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