Da doll way

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Kehlani POV

"You wanna get in the booth" I say looking at Sha

"Shit, why not" says Sha shrugging

"Cool" I say"You guys gonna kill each other or y'all good"

"We're good" says Normani looking away from the screen for a second

"Your about to get killed in Mario Cart if you keep looking away" says Camila

"Y'all gonna let me play or nah" says Omar

"Once you stop eating all their damn food" says Normani looking him up and down

"I got a beat I think you can fuck with" I say walking to the studio

"Okay" says Sha following behind

"How long you been rapping" I say

"2 years" says Sha"Just didn't take it serious till last year"

"It's paper over there or a tablet" I say sitting in the chair"What's your rap name Sha"

"Asian Doll" says Sha

"Interesting" I say

"What's your rap name Lil nigga" ask Sha writing on the pad

"I don't have one...you should give me one" I say

"Alright I'll think about it" says Sha"You smoke?"

"I can I just haven't" I say

"No pressure...but I got some pressure" says Sha laughing

"You corny bruh"I say"If the vibe is right I'll smoke with you"

"I feel you" says Sha still writing"This beat is flame"

"Thank you, tried to get someone from Atlanta on it but he was trash and I ended up selling him a different one" says Kehlani looking at the screen"You dating someone?"

"Dating is messy" says Sha lighting the blunt"I make friends sometimes"

"Yeah, I understand that completely" I say

"You got a friend" says Sha passing me the blunt

"Um, no" I say taking it

"Surprised, your cute and stuff" says Sha smiling and looking down at her pad

"Surprised you don't either but it shows your work ethic" I say trying to change the subject

"Okay I'm ready" says Sha heading to the booth

"Ready when you are" I say

"Yo, im...fucking floored you did that in one fucking take" I say"I got a rush I never got before"

"Me too..." Says Sha coming out of the booth

"I really want you...to make music and shit" I say standing up leaning against the sound board"That made me feel alive"

"How" says Sha walking closer

"You have so much passion" I say

I couldn't take my eyes off her lips.

"You seem to have a lot of passion about producing... I had to go hard" says Sha licking her lips

Before I knew what was happening we were kissing. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I grab her ass and sit her on the sound board.

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