My Love

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"This is worst how do you fit this thing in here" says Camila putting my wheelchair in the trunk

"Oh yeah just make fun of her" says Normani in the passenger seat

"It's cool" I say"Can we just go now"

We drove for what seemed like forever. I really haven't been out in awhile so it was crazy seeing the city.We pulled up to this condo with a huge fountain in the front. We took the elevator all the way to the top and finally made it to the apartment.

"Thank God your here, she's been asking for you"says Niecy

We went in the bathroom and Sha was naked with a older lady there helping her it seemed like.

"Kehlani" says Sha

She was all sweaty and seemed like she was in alot of pain.

"Hey" I roll my wheelchair over to her and hold her hand

"If you would like to get in with her it would be a better experience" says The older lady"How rude of me, I'm grace the dulla"

"We can help you in if you want to" says Normani

"Mom can you watch Juni" says Camila

I had on a tank top and basketball shorts so I just got in with those. Camila and Normani helped me in. I sat behind Sha.

"Are you ready" says Grace

"Yes" says Sha holding on to my hand

It was so weird at first but then. She did that one last big push and the baby came out. It was floating around and looked so peaceful. She grabbed the baby and it waved it's arms around a bit then started crying.

"It's a boy baby" says Sha crying and smiling

I wrap my arms her and I felt so good. The best I've felt since everything happened.

"So there just gonna sit there in all that stuff" says Camila

"Shut up and let them have there moment" says Normani slapping my arm

"Um ouch" says Camila"Congrats you guys he's beautiful"

"Whats his name" I say

"Shalom Allen Parrish" says Sha"He's so precious, I love you"

"I love you both" I say

We got the baby situated and the dulla told us to call her if anything changes. Sha was resting but I slept in my chair next to the baby bed.

"Baby, you know you can sleep in the bed with me you don't have to sleep next to the crib" says Sha

"I just want to make sure he's ok" I say

"He's fine, little chunky thing" says Sha as we look at him sleep"I'm gonna call the company to finish putting the stuff in the apartment to make it better for you"

"It's alot done already, but my physical therapy is going good I should be able to walk in a year or so" I say

I only hoped for that honestly. I wasn't sure, the doctors all seemed very unsure. I don't want to not be able to play with my son.

3 months later

"Run that back please" says Sha

"I got you hold up" I say"Shalom, don't you push that"

He didn't push the button but he definitely drooled all over it. I put him in my lap and run the beat back for Sha. Shit is going good I'm back producing and Sha is in the studio making hits everyday.

Ice HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang