Untitled Part 16

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(The phone is ringing) Hi, Zoe, it's Sally do you have time to talk? Yes what going on? Well your condo is ready and you can come and sign the paperwork and then you can start moving in. Great. I will be right over. Ok. Hey everyone I just got back from signing the paper for our new condo. Espen you can now have your own bedroom instead of sleeping on the couch. I can't wait. So, mom, you have to call the movers and packers. I already did that I did it at the office after I signed the papers. These people they pack and unpack for us and they will place the furniture where we want it even your bedroom furniture so we all have to be there. I will have them get your things out of storage so that they can move it into your room also. Wow thanks, Zoe. I got the room by the stairs and then Napa you got the next bedroom then Espen you got the next room and Valley you are in the back by the back stairs. I decided to choose for you all we don't have time to kill the movers are outside with all of our stuff. Once they place your bedroom furniture where you want it then you can unpack your clothing and whatever else you have. Fix your room up we have all day take your time. Do it the way you want it to look. Mom what about the kitchen? What about it Valley? Who is going to straighten it out? The movers will put everything up in there. The dishes everything. Even the food said Espen? Yes. So we will work on our rooms on Saturday and Sunday. Everyone make a list of what I need to get for your rooms and we will go shopping next weekend. So the three of you have a week to decide what you need when we go shopping OK. We have been cleaning all week Y'all let's take a break. I am going to call Dexdon and mom to see if they would like to go out to dinner. Mom would you and Dexdon would you like to go out to dinner with us, please. Hold on let me ask Dexdon. Dexdon Zoe and the children are going out to dinner and they want to know if you would like to go out. Tell them yes. Zoe, he said yes. Where will we meet you at? The name of the restaurant is Kiffers it's near Central Park. I know where that is. What time do you want us to meet you there? At eight p.m.. OK, mom bye for now. Hey, mom and Dexdon were are over here. Hi, grand-babies. Hi Grand how are you doing? So Espen how is it living with all females? Well, so far so good nothing to complain about. I am glad that I'm here I am happy and I am not alone. Espen that is very kind of you to say thank you. No thank you, Zoe. So Valley what do you think about Espen now. He is doing fine as long as he doesn't mess with me and my things. Oh, Valley you don't have anything to worry about. Thank you, Espen. And Napa what do you think I'm good he is ok with me. The food is here everyone let's eat. Do you guys go out and eat and stuff like this all of the time asking Espen. Yes, we do Espen family should always do things together. In fact, the school will be ending in about a month and we are going with Silver to her cabin for the summer. Mom yes Valley I was planning on getting a summer job. You can do that there. Are you sure mom? Yes dear. In fact, Jezell and Alina are planning on getting a summer job there also. Do they know anything about the area? No this will be their first time going there. When will we be leaving mom? Right after school is out which is the first weekend after school is out. So since we only have three weeks of school you all can start your packing there are four large suitcases in the storage each of you can get one. You can take it to your room and take your time and pack what you want to take so you have about eleven days to be ready before we leave. Wow, time went by so fast school is out already. Do everyone have everything packed and ready to go? Ok now please will everyone put their things in the car and the big suitcases go on the top of the car. Mom, how long will this ride take? Why? Because I want to make sure I have something to do during the ride said Valley. It should take us about two or more hours. Ok, let's go. Ok everyone we have been driving for about an hour so let make a pit stop I need to gas up and buy some munchies so everyone can go in the store with me so that you all can pick some stuff and if anyone needs to go to the restroom please go because we are not going to stop again until we get there ok. Is everyone ready to get back on the road? Yes. Ok, then let us be on our way. Espen you sit in the front seat with me this time. Ok, Zoe. So Espen what did you bring with you to do? Well, I got my game system, my iPad and my laptop and some books to read. That sounds like enough stuff to keep busy. I don't know if you remember your auntie Silver and her children Jezell 16- Alina 15-Hanna 13-Corinna 10. They will be here also this is their cabin and there is plenty of room. There are four bedrooms, five bathrooms, they have a lot of bathrooms. They have a full basement with three bedrooms down there and they have a fully furnished guest house with four bedrooms and that is where we will be staying. We have access to a kitchen and living room and a family room in there also. We are here they are here already. Hey, you guys Where is the food? It seems like we've been driving for hours I'm so hungry. Everything is over there in the summer house. Our things are in the car and things are still in the car so we will take them off the car later but right now we are going to fix us something to eat. Hey Zoe? Yes, Silver over there in the pool house there are suits and the children can change and put on some swimming suits if they want to swim because you have all day to unload your car. There is even a swimsuit over there for you. Oh ok, then thanks. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Otto is bringing the children here for the summer and they are going back home because of work. That's good. Where is he? I thought he would have been here by now.  Hey, everyone, I am here yelled Otto. Hey Mary where are the children? They are bringing their things into the house. I put their names on the rooms they will be using so they can handle it. Are they going to unpack now? No, they are just taking their things into their rooms and then they will be out. Ok.  Hey everyone where is the food, auntie I am so empty inside I need food? Just look over there all you want is over there. Ok, thanks. Hey, Mary the room by the back door is for you and Otto. I have planned for us to go to a play all of us I reserved fourteen seats for us.   What is the name of the play asked Napa? King Author said, Zoe. What time is the play asked Otto? It starts at five. Ok, so we will be ready to leave by four thirty. I have a limo to pick us up here at four thirty. Ok, we will be ready. And after we leave the theater we are going out to dinner my treat I reserved a table for us. Where are we going? We are going to Les Bernardi a very elite restaurant with expert service and a luxurious decor. Our reservation is scheduled for seven-thirty. I am doing all of this to start the summer break off for our children and to invite Espen Jr. into the family. The play and the dinner was great said, Mary. Would anyone like some wine, beer or something stronger said, Zoe

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