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Its the Halloween time. You are wondering why you get excited a lot over Halloween. "I guess I can say that I love Halloween." You gigged to see if you where gonna get tricked or treat, but you suddenly thought about the Sakamaki's and the Mukami's all in one night. They were all having a Halloween party, you were kinda scared since you know they love to play tricks other than getting treats for you. "No wonder why the girls love them so much, not as a much as the fangirls for Kou." You rolled eyes just by thinking about it while you was talking to your best friend. Your best friend smiled at you. "Hey it's okay, we are gonna have fun and this party is gonna be fun. Trust me girl I promise you that." ((I am gonna make the friend a boy because why not)). He smiled and patted your back. "Maybe I get to see Laito in his costume hehehe." You giggled. 

~Skip to night~

The party has started and the house looked very very spooky. Surprisingly you look very happy about the party. It is very nice on the outside and the inside. "(y/n)~ nufu~." You can already tell who's voice is that. It has ti be Laito since you know his pervy side. Either way you wanted to see what he looks like. You suddenly couldn't find Laito anywhere so you checked inside your room and suddenly the door closes behind you. You start to feel scared but most likely brave since you kept saying you are not scared. You feel like Laito would be in here since he is always in your room almost everyday. It wasn't Laito this time. So now you feel scared that there is an actual ghost in your room. You grabbed the handle from your door and trying to leave but you couldn't. So you had to walk around the room

~To be Continued~

//I meant to publish this on Halloween but I got busy so the second part will be here soon!!! Please bare with me.//

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