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{Running, running, running, that's all it seemed like they did now. They ran from humans, they ran from vampires, they even ran from their own kind since they didn't know whom they could trust anymore. 

They were completely alone as they had been for so long. But they were just kids. Yet she was supposed to take care of both her and her brother. Not that he would phrase it that way. She was sure he thought it was the other way around. But in reality he was just as scared as she was and she knew it. 

She couldn't afford to be scared. She had to be strong. Her mother had told her she needed to protect her brother until he was ready. She had asked what her mother had meant, but she just said she would know when she didn't need to protect him anymore. Now, as they sat huddled together under a moss covered fallen tree and the cold rain fell around them, she seriously began to wonder how they would survive. 

Neither of them had eaten anything for nearly two weeks. She had given her brother the last of the jerky they had stolen off those travelling gypsies, telling him she wasn't hungry. But it felt like her body was beginning to devour itself and she was dizzy whenever she stood up. Her vision was either blurry or filled with a red haze that made it hard to look at anything for too long. 

Her parents had taught them to never kill unless they absolutely had to. But most important of all, they should never give into the blood lust. 

They had told them over and over that humans are not food and must always be protected above all else or they will end up no better than the evil vampires they shared part of their heritage with. 

But she was sooo hungry. As she stared out at the small encampment, she could smell their blood from here and hear their hearts beating strong in their chests.

Her brother was passed out from exhaustion and she knew he couldn't last much longer. She knew they were slowly starving to death and if she didn't do something soon they would both die. 

She could see only one man and two sleeping women, one of them quite old so it was probably a family. 

No, that wasn't correct, as her vision cleared enough to see. Not a man, it was a boy. Not much older that she was. 

Good, she thought. She didn't think she had strength left to kill a full grown man anymore. Her stomach growled again. Her vision went out of focus, and then went completely black. She shook her head and after a few agonizing seconds she was able to see once more. 

She heard her brother's stomach rumble as he moaned and whimpered pitifully in his sleep. That made up her mind. Taking a deep breath she silently moved from her hiding place and took a step toward the camp. 

She felt her sharp fangs extending automatically in anticipation of what was she was about to do.}

I turned sixteen today and it started off pretty much like every other day of my life. Do my chores, get ready for school and run to the bus since I'm almost always late. Most days I spend the ride to school with gum, spit wads, or some other assorted nasty thing in my hair courtesy of my own personal bully squad, lucky me. 

Then a day of attempting to pay attention to my teachers, taking tests, trying to figure out what the school lunch was made out of and running to my locker before any of the previously mentioned "welcoming committee members" could catch me. 

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now