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{Hiding their clothes under a fallen tree where they would be relatively safe from the weather they shifted. 

Bones cracked and muscles expanded and grew. 

As painful as the change was, she relished it. In her wolf form she felt free and alive. She didn't have to worry about the thirst that was a constant threat in the back of her mind, just the hunt, the kill and running. 

As her ears elongated and her mouth split and reshaped into a snout filled with rows of sharp teeth. She welcomed the feel of her fur as it sprouted from every inch of her body. 

Smooth soft silvery fur. The wind blew between her ears, caressing her face and bringing with it all the scents of the ancient forest. She could smell things that no normal dog or animal could. 

That was something no one knew. Not only did they usually retain their human intellect but they had all the senses of a hyper aware super wolf and also a vampire. 

She could see in the dark as easily as day and could track anything across hundreds of miles. 

If humans knew just how easy it was for her to find and track them down they would have probably killed her race off long ago. 

But that's why it was so imperative that she not violate the treaty set down eons ago by her ancestors, which she had very nearly done moments ago. They moved through the trees silent as ghosts. 

The forest suddenly quiet as the two most feared predators of all time stalked it for prey. 

Their ears pricked up as they heard a strange clap of thunder coming from a clearing a few miles ahead.Heading in that direction they ran and leaped over rotted logs and burbling streams. 

Now she could smell a whole wave of scents she had never experienced before. As they got closer they looked to each other as they both recognized the smell of flesh and blood. 

A wave of red passed before her eyes and she could see her brother's eyes were dark with hunger as he began to sprint, lost in the hunt and need for sustenance. It didn't matter what it was, it would be theirs soon.}    


"Ugh," I groaned as I woke up and felt the throbbing headache pounding behind my eyelids. It felt like a Giant was squashing my skull between his massive hands. 

 Upon opening those eyes, I beheld not an overgrown humanoid but an unbelievable starlit sky above me. I have never seen so many stars before in my life and look at that moon! The moon was huge! 

 Why was it so large, or maybe it was just closer to the Earth, but how was that possible? It was beautiful and scary at the same time. 

 You could almost feel its pull on your body and soul. Man, the surfing must be awesome in this reality with the lunar tides from that moon.

Those were just some of the thoughts racing through my head as I tried to sit up and get a look around. My dad was lying on the ground holding his head in much the same way I was a few seconds ago. 

 He was starting to get up too and look around surveying our surroundings. I looked around for Tesla but couldn't see him at first because of the shadows that giant moon was casting over everything. 

 Finally seeing him a little ways up the hill we were on I walked over to him and scratched his ears, he was just sitting there panting, looking up at the moon.

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now