CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Oh my God she's a vampire!

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Katrina: {So much has been happening and all so fast she thought again. Now her dear amazing uncle was gone and forever this time. He gave his last life energy to save a stranger. She never knew they could heal like that! What was that all about? 

She has only heard rumors and hints of things the Slayers could do. She thought it was all just made up. But she had seen it with her own eyes and it was still hard to believe. How could she live up to that? Her uncle talked to angels for crying out loud. And apparently worked for them too. Now this boy saves her planet and gets rid of the last vampire lord. It truly seemed like he what the prophecy spoke of.

It was so hard to think though. She was trying to recall what the elders had told her but the hunger. The hunger was tearing her apart. It was making her mind and her vision fuzzy. She smelled all the blood everywhere around her. It felt like she was swimming in it.

Stop it! She needed to focus. They had to get out of here. 

Her mind began clearing a little with the work clearing the hallway. She just had to keep focused and not think about food, or blood or all the death and mayhem around her... She felt her teeth begin to tear through her gums again. 

Damn it stop it! Then she heard Zack say of all things, they needed to let her people know they were free. Not that they could escape and go home or run away and hide. He was concerned for her people. She could have kissed him, and before she even realized what she was doing she did just that. Once inside the capsule it wasn't so bad the smell of blood was gone.

The spray of red from his hand was all it took. The hungry overcame her willpower. She had to feed. She could smell that wonderfully strange and powerful blood right in front of her. All she had to do was get to it. All she had to do was kill this puny human}.    


Two things saved my life right there. First was the fact that when the pod began spinning from Tesla striking the wall we didn't hit the first building dead on instead we rolled down its roof line. Second was where we landed happened to be on a steep hill running down to the docks. Luckily someone had parked a horse cart full of hay that somewhat cushioned our impact and sent us careening through the streets.

Katrina was sent slamming into the opposite wall as we hit the wagon and then she was pinned to the wall by the force of how fast we were rolling downhill. I could hear shouts and screams as we spun out of control past people staring incredulously first at a giant nuclear explosion then at the large metal object flying through their town.

"Hold on!" my Dad shouted at me through all the noise.

We bounced a few times after demolishing the hay cart. With each hit Katrina, Alexei and Tesla were sent smashing into the metal walls of the escape pod. Katrina was the only one of them conscious as she still struggled to get to me and my Dad. Alexei left bloody marks wherever he hit, and Tesla just struck the walls limply not moving. I couldn't tell if he was alive or dead. I tried to grab him a few times, but he was just out of reach each time as his body flew past me in random directions.

Then as we picked up speed spinning round and round I was glued to the seat and could hardly move a muscle. The capsule smashed through a barn sending even more hay and straw flying into the air along with a few chickens and geese. I felt like a giant pinball bouncing between buildings that looked like they belonged in a Tolkien story with their painted doors, sweeping roofs, and gothic designs. Then we were crushing more carts and sending horses and people running in all directions again. I think we must have crashed through either a bakery or a flour mill because I remember seeing white clouds of dust or flour exploding into the air.

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