CHAPTER ELEVEN: You shot me!

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** Warning this chapter does have some graphic violence in it**

Katrina: {This boy continues to amaze her. She still can't quite figure him out. She is definitely attracted to him but there is more to it than that. He makes her feel all messed up inside her head. One second she wants to kiss him, the next she feels like tearing his clothes off, then tearing his head off.

Her Uncle is alive! But from the sounds of things she has a feeling that he didn't make it here undetected. She didn't think they would make it to the shelter but then again she didn't think she would even be alive still after everything that's happened. This Zach is going to get himself killed though if she didn't kill him first.

Enforcers! How did they found us! Alek! She saw her brother fall at the sword of a demon and that was the last coherent thought she had as she let the change take her. She didn't fight it this time. She welcomed it with every fiber of her being. If they came to see what she was, she would show them. She would show them all!}


"STOP!" I shouted with every fiber of my body and the air was suddenly full of glowing numbers and that odd yet familiar haunting melody almost like I've known it my entire life was all around me. Nothing moved in the tunnel, I could see the blade of the sword the monster was wielding slicing Alexei's shirt apart. 

 The top of his collar was hanging in midair and the sword was resting against his neck. I could see my Dads bullets suspended in front of the creature all in a line aimed at its wrist. Behind the thing Katrina was frozen in place with smoke trails behind her. 

 Her two swords poised to strike but she was still a few feet from the thing that must be a demon of some kind. I took a step forward and stumbled not expecting to be able to move, almost pushing Alexei into the very sword trying to decapitate him.

"Sorry," I whispered half thinking if I made a noise they would all start moving, and he would be dead before I could take advantage of this situation.

I heard a whine from behind me and turned to see Tesla looking at me and wagging his tail slightly as if to say watch what you're doing dude.

"Hey," I said to him, "how are you..."

"Woof," he barked interrupting me.

"Oh, right," I said, "first things first," and turned back to the soon to be headless Alexei.

I grabbed his jacket pulling him toward me and away from the razor-sharp sword blade, leaving the top of his collar floating in the air above the frozen weapon. Stupid me thought he would start walking or something and as his immobile body toppled on top of me I shouted in surprise.

As I did so the numbers and music disappeared, and chaos ensued.

SWISH, the monsters' sword cut the air just overhead, BAM, BAM, BAM went my father's gun, CLANG rang Katrina's sword blades as they met the creatures' own blades from the rear.

"Ung, What?" Alexei grunted and said as he fell atop me and all the breath left me in a rush.

Rolling off me he crouched aiming his pistols at the creature as his sister danced around the demon, swords clashing again and again filling the air with the sound of steel ringing on steel.

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