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{She watched her Uncle, the only remaining person of her family, run off into the forest and for the first time in her entire life she prayed. 

That in itself was strange when you thought about it, since she was supposed to be part angel. But after everything that has happened to her and her brother, it was very hard to believe there was a God. 

But something was always there in the back of her mind. Like a whisper that was just loud enough to hear but not understood. She sent her silent prayer anyway figuring it couldn't hurt. 

Then she concentrated on not falling down as they ran. Between starvation and being beaten by those bastards she was barely holding it together. All she needed was something to eat and she would be better. 

No, she thought with a snarl escaping her lips. All she needed was two seconds alone with Dimitri. To hell with the old laws, he was the monster in this world, not her. She swore an oath right then she would kill him the first chance she got, consequences be damned. She would tear his head off and bathe in his blood. It would be worth it.

She still couldn't understand why this strange boy, his father and their odd dog had come back to save them. No one had ever done anything nice for her or her family. But these people had not only risked their lives, but saved her and her brother from certain death. 

Maybe they had ulterior motives, she didn't know but she would remain extra vigilant just in case. You can never trust humans. Protect them yes, her uncle had said, but never ever trust them. 

"They will always let you down and besides my little one," he  had said, smiling down sadly at her. "Our life spans are far longer than humans and it is not enjoyable to watch the person you care about or worse, love, become old and die while you barely change." He said with a faraway look in his sad eyes, looking off into the distance as if remembering something. 

After a while he said quietly, "But one thing I do want you to remember. It took me a long time to realize this but it truly is far better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all." He kissed her forehead then and walked off into the forest, disappearing into the darkness like a ghost, leaving her alone by the fire. }


      It wasn't long after the last gunshot, that we heard the dogs resume their barking, so we knew they were still in pursuit of us. With the crunch and rattle of small stones and sand in the dry riverbed we were running through it was hard to be quiet.

Katrina looked like she was grinning as she ran, and I thought I heard her growl?

Then she sniffed the air and said, "We will need to find shelter soon. A storm is coming."

A few minutes later the wind did start picking up as the leaves and branches on the trees alongside us began whipping to and fro. I could hear the sound of running water ahead as we neared the river but didn't slow down until we finally splashed into the cold mountain stream. 

Stopping to catch our breath, or should I say, my dad and I did since they didn't even seem to be breathing hard, we looked around. The men were still following us since we could hear the dogs barking and getting nearer.

"Which way?" my dad asked.

Alexei pointed to the left which was downstream from us. That was good, as it would wash our scent away with us as we ran. Run is what we did too because if they saw which direction we went, it was game over for us. 

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now