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Katrina:   {The change was different this time. She knew it as soon as it started. This time she didn't fight it. She released all her control and let the change wash over her like a boiling tide of rage and dispair. 

All she knew was she wanted this man, no he was not a man, this monster dead. 

She flowed with the change. She felt the bottomless anger, the bloodlust, the power fill her. This time though it was as if there were no limits to what she could do. 

Her body felt like there was hot lead flowing through her veins it was so painful it quickly overloaded all her senses. 

As Dimitri fired his wicked crossbow at her, it was as if time slowed. The crossbow bolts seemed to hang in the air in front of her and she casually plucked them out of the air with barely a thought. 

She strode toward this monster and he fired again but she was no longer even aware of the rain much less the several puny shafts of wood protruding from her body. All coherent thoughts were gone. 

She heard him say something about her mother and then nothing more. She was no longer in pain or hungry or scared or anything. She was no longer Katrina. She was the slayer. She was the  monster now.

The next thing she was aware of was her brother's voice calling her from a very long distance away. She spun around and saw several creatures within easy killing range.

Food! She crouched and with one quick thought, she scanned the area. Not sensing any threat she couldn't easily destroy, she tensed her muscles, ready for more glorious blood and devastation.

Then it was as if she had been holding her breath and suddenly it all came rushing back like a black tide crashing onto the sharp rocks of a reef. 

She saw her brother. She saw he wasn't acting normal. Then as he collapsed, it felt as though her pounding heart stopped beating. She rushed to his side and her world almost fell apart. 

Had it not been for these strangers who so completely disrupted her life she would have lost her only reason for living. For her twin and she had more in common than just parents. They truly were bonded in more than just blood. 

They were, as she imagined it, two halves of an infinity loop. Neither could exist without the other. She understood at some subconscious level that they were one in the same. She was also beginning to suspect that this odd yet kind of cute boy named Zach was somehow much more than he appeared to be.

If she only knew just how much of an understatement that was she might have grabbed her brother and ran as far away as possible.}


Alexei's damp blond hair falling to his shoulders and bandaged ribcage didn't hide the young man's handsome features. He looked like he just stepped out of one of those male model magazines. Even his wet hair looked like it was styled and positioned to accent his rugged good looks. 

 He was one of those guys that no matter what they did; girls would be sighing and falling all over him. Guys like that always made me sick because life always seemed to hand them everything they wanted on a golden platter. 

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now