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{They crested the hill and saw two figures in the clearing. They smelled like no human she had ever smelled before, full of strange scents, some bad and some good. 

Then as the two humans turned to run she smelled an old familiar scent. One she hadn't detected in a long time and she was suddenly very frightened. 

She glanced at her brother and he was staring at her too and gave her a quick nod in confirmation as they picked up their speed. 

Suddenly all thoughts of food and starvation gone as they ran after these two people who were heading toward something far worse than anything they could imagine. She knew why they were running obviously but if they could just get ahead of them maybe they could stop them. 

If she had time to change she could easily catch them but in wolf shape that was one of the downfalls. She was limited to how fast she could run on four feet. She couldn't blur like she could in her normal shape. She hadn't learned how yet. 

They tried to stop them but the humans mistook their attempts and fought back. They were surprisingly cunning and somehow were able to knock her brother out. She knew it was mostly because of their nearly starved to death state but she was still impressed. 

She had never seen her brother lose a fight to a human. Not that this was a fight of course, but still. She was able to get them to stop and she circled around and found a clump of thick bushes.

One of the humans was a young boy close to her age. And that dog, something was strange about that dog. She could sense it but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. 

The boy smelled...good. Very good in fact, she thought as she changed back into her human shape. His scent made her think of spring time and running through the trees. Cool mountain water and the warm sunshine on her skin. 

His mind though, it was so full of jumbled thoughts she could barely make out anything. And all those numbers. So many numbers spinning around inside his thoughts, it was all chaos. It made her head ache just with that brief glimpse. 

One thought, clear and loud made it through though as she spoke to them. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She wasn't exactly telepathic but as she got older she had been able to pick up more and more thoughts from humans.

She almost blushed at that. No one except her parents had ever called her that. She was skinny and half starved. She knew she wasn't ugly because she had been nearly raped several times by different bad people, but beautiful? She had been called a lot of things in her short life but that was not one of them and certainly not by a stranger whom she had just met. 

In her experience, boys were just as bad as the men in this world. Being an outcast only made it worse. The ones that didn't try to shoot her or burn her alive thought she was nothing but an animal and treated her that way.

Then she smelled...him. All thoughts of this strange boy vanished as her fear and rage boiled inside her at the sight of that vile monster, Dimitri.}


      The torches were almost upon us, so my dad said, "I think she is right son let's go and perhaps there will be a chance for us to correct this mistake."

"Ok," I said grudgingly, "Let's go Tesla." My dog started to whine looking at me but not moving. "I know boy its ok we'll come back to help them, I promise."

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now