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{That first step was the hardest. But as she stalked closer to the camp and the smell of the blood coursing through their veins filled her nostrils, she was no longer thinking clearly. 

She was running on pure instinct now and all that mattered was survival, hers and her brothers. No one and nothing else mattered. Not even these ragged humans who would probably just as soon try to kill her. 

So, it was only fair she got them first, right? Drifting from shadow to shadow she swiftly and silently made her way behind the boy who was apparently on guard. He was poking a stick into the fire making sparks and cinders float up into the air only to sizzle and die in the cold rain. 

The two women were under a make shift tent and the boy had his hood pulled over his head. He would never know what happened she thought as she moved to within a few feet of his hunched form. 

There was a pile of tattered old clothes next to him and a blue backpack leaning against the moss covered log he was sitting on. Her senses were overloaded with the sound of his heartbeat. 

Clear and strong beneath his frail rib cage. She could almost taste the sweet salty life blood. She was practically panting as she loomed over the teen, her long ivory fangs dripping water like clear silvery blood. 

She could smell his blood and now she could see his thin neck with those pulsing veins of life. Moving closer she opened her mouth wide preparing to sink her fangs deep and drink.

She had to survive. It was the only way. She just hoped she could live with herself after this. She knew there was no going back once you took a life this way. She would be one of the creatures she despised and hunted. 

But this was life or death, because her brother needed her now more than ever. Her muscles tensed preparing to strike. Her hand reached out to grab his fragile neck to hold him in place. 

She barely registered that her fingernails had become long sharp talons. Then the bundle of rags next to the boy moved and she froze. The tips of her fangs were a millimeter from piercing the boy's throat. 

Suddenly a tiny face stared up at her with huge sparkling emerald green eyes. A young baby girl lay wrapped in the old clothes.

The baby girl stared up at her with those innocent green eyes. She was mostly shielded from the rain by the overhanging branches of the pine trees surrounding them. 

The child looked at her and tilted its head quizzically, as if to say, what do you think you're doing? 

Those eyes were so clear and piercing they seemed to penetrate right through her soul. Her resolve broke and she suddenly realized what she was about to do. She stumbled back in shock and horror, tripping over a branch and landing on her butt. 

The boy jumped up and spun around. She held up a hand to hide her face and appearance so as to not scare him or give away what she was. 

She was so shaken by what she had almost done and confused by near starvation that she jumped up and fled, leaving an equally scared young boy in her wake. 

She thought she heard him shouting after her to wait don't go but she knew better than to trust anyone. It was probably a trap. 

She wandered around the rain shrouded forest in a daze not really going anywhere, just knowing she needed to get as far away from humans as possible. She did not want to end up like the monsters she was supposed to be hunting down.

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now