CHAPTER TWELVE: Where exactly is the missing nuclear bomb?

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** Warning this chapter does have some graphic violence in it**

Katrina: {Death was her name as she littered the area with the bodies of her enemies. None could stand before her. She would be the only living being left as it should be. All will fall before her blades and claws. She will rule this world! She thought as the last creature fell. 

The smell of blood and gore and death was all around her. It dripped from her wings, her hair, her long sharp talons. She knew no fear and why should she? 

She was so covered in black demon blood her wings and hair looked black. Black... everything around her was black. There was something wrong with that but she couldn't think of.... wait, she heard heartbeats...something was alive...something for her to kill.

Voices she didn't want to hear. Voices bothering her memories. Get out of my head she thought. Trying to focus on her next target she felt a sting. Then she The world came into focus and it was as though she fought her way up from underwater.

No time to figure anything out. Everything was happening so fast. She was trying to control this monster inside her trying to get out and destroy all she loved. Her brother was alive and so was her uncle but now the Vampire Lord had found them. And he brought demons with him! A greater demon too. What was he thinking? He had gone completely insane bringing these creatures to the earth.

Her uncle was a slayer! He was like her and her brother! They weren't alone in the world anymore. She wanted to cry so bad. She missed her Mom and Dad. She had been fighting for so long alone trying to keep them alive. Now finally she could get some answers.

She watched her amazing uncle battle the giant demon. He was obviously too wounded to barely walk and yet he was holding his own. She couldn't let him die. Not now. Not after all she had been through. She had to help. She had what she was born for. She had to become the monster once again.}


The remaining enforcers now saw Katrina as she flew toward Asmodeus and as one they roared in outrage and began running toward the towering demon. Their skin sizzled and burned and seven more of them crumbled into ashes as they ran. Count Dragul shouted at them to halt but they were either too enraged or the pain of being burned alive finally drove them insane.

The huge demon didn't seem to hear the ruckus going on behind him or notice Alexander's eyes go wide with shock at the sight of his niece diving down toward the monsters back. Since it didn't even hesitate as the massive fiery sword roared down toward their uncle's trapped body.

Katrina folded her wings and dove at the flaming demons back, swords extended. They bit deep as she struck, the rune etched metal sinking almost to the hilts. She dragged them out leaving deep gashes in the monsters hide that spouted burning red blood as it reared back and roared in pain. 

 Its long whip tail flicked around and smacked the young girl from its back sending her flying across the cavern to strike the far wall. With it being momentarily caught off guard Alexander used his chance wisely and freed himself from the demons grasp then flying up he slashed at its throat drawing even more burning blood.

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