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Katrina: {She could not figure out what it was about this strange boy. Why was he being nice to her and what was it about him that she found so, what is the word? Interesting? 

Sure but that wasn't the whole of it. She seemed to get warmer the closer she stood next to him and she always seemed short of breath for some strange reason. Her stomach was doing something weird too. But that could be the fact that she was extremely hungry. 

As she walked up to him she felt her fangs elongating and she felt her heart throbbing like a drum. What the hell was wrong with her? She couldn't let him see her like that. Not that she cared what he thought. He was only a stupid human boy after all. But still. He was, well what? What was he? A friend? Food? Another enemy? Someone to watch out for?

Trying not to panic or show him she was afraid, she tried to think of something else. Anything else just not those damned eyes of his. Or his smell. Or how she wanted to bite his... Damn it. This wasn't like her. She mentally shook herself and focused on slowing her breathing down like her parents taught her. She felt her fangs retract slowly thank God and she couldn't help teasing him as she walked past him into the dark rain.

Let him think about that, she said to herself and for the first time in many, many years there was a smile on her lovely face. She shook her head chastising herself. But couldn't stop the stupid grin from coming back. Or her fangs from coming out as she heard the beat of his heart behind her. She could smell him and wanted to sink her teeth into his warm soft flesh. Feel the blood gush out. Filling her mouth with its hot salty flavor. Feel his pulse slow as his life drained away.

Stop it! She shook her head again trying to clear those all too delicious but all too damning thoughts away and focus on staying alive. She just needed food. She needed something to eat soon or she wouldn't be able to control herself much longer.}


I don't know if you've ever had to run in the rain before, but let me tell you it is not very fun. But when you're running through a creepy forest at night in the middle of a giant rain storm and following two hungry werewolves it kind of makes it a bit more challenging. 

 Alexei and Katrina didn't seem to need light to see by as they leaped over fallen branches and ankle breaking rocks as easy as if it were the middle of the day. My dad and I didn't have the luxury of supernatural eyesight, so we had to rely on good old fashioned artificial light source like a flashlight. 

 I was trying to follow my dad's footsteps as he dodged and weaved between dark shadow wrapped trees and low hanging branches. 

 We had been making good time for probably an hour or so but after getting whipped and scratched in the face numerous times from the sharp grasping branches, grabbing my own flashlight from my belt pouch was sounding like a pretty good idea. 

 Although feeling around as we ran I couldn't make out what was what, so I glanced down to see if I could find anything.

"WHAM!" I ran head first into a low thick branch on one of the dark murderous trees.

Tesla stopped just ahead of me and barked to get the other's attention as I tried to sit up and shake my throbbing head.

"What hit car that did ... OW!" was what came out of my confused brain to say as the others ran back to me.

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now