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Katrina: {His blood! Even the smell of it was like nothing she had ever experienced. She didn't even remember tasting it but it was like explosions were going off in her mind. It felt like she grabbed a live power line and was being shot full of electricity.

But instead of disabling her it filled her with such incredible power and, what? A sense of being indestructible. Like nothing could hurt or stop her.

She felt like she could take on the world.

She felt like she could bend fate to her will.

She felt like she could change the future or even her past.

She felt like she could...

Control or even destroy the entire universe if she wanted. With just a mere thought!

My God how can one boy have this much power in his body and not even realize it? He doesn't even know what he is capable of she realized. Not to mention how to control it. And that alone was enough to frighten her to her very soul.

Now he defeats an ancient Soul Reaper all by himself, and from the looks of it he actually absorbed the monsters immortality. Could this boy truly be the one the prophecies spoke of?

She didn't know but she needed to keep a close eye on this one. If he was the one, then their world was about to torn asunder. They would be lucky if any of them survived what comes next. One thing she did know for sure was she needed to stop looking at those eyes of his. He had a way of looking at her that made her knees weak. And she HATED feeling weak and helpless!

Oh yes she would have to keep a close eye on this Zachary. But she needed to keep her distance in case she might have to kill him.}


Finally, after another endless journey through growing snow drifts Alexei stopped and told us to wait while his sister scouted ahead. The twins spoke together in Russian for a bit and then she disappeared into the blinding snow flakes. 

 We were on the side of a steep incline with rocky outcroppings here and there that protruded from the snow drifts.

"Is the cave nearby?" my Dad asked.

"It should be about three miles ahead," Alexei said keeping an eye on the woods around us.

"Why did we stop here then?" I asked him just as Katrina appeared out of nowhere next to her brother.

"De vay is clear," she said loudly so as to be heard through the wind.

"You were gone for like thirty seconds," I said incredulously "you ran six miles in thirty seconds?"

"No," she said looking at me.

"Oh, so how do you know the way is clear then if you didn't make it to the cave?" I asked her.

"I did not run to ze hideout and back, zat vould have been foolish." She said matter of fact. "I ran around ze perimeter in a spiral pattern until I could get a clear look at ze entrance. Zhen, I ran further toward town a few miles before returning here to make sure zare vas no scouting parties heading in our direction."

"Um... Oh," I said staring at her in astonishment. She wasn't even breathing hard. Man, we could use her on our school track team!

"Ok let's go," her brother said and off he went.

TimeLord the Vampire Chronicles (Book One part One)Where stories live. Discover now