A glimpse of her!

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  • Dedicated to Ramesh Rijal

I am a Hindu, a Brahman boy! And She is a Muslim girl!

Well, we are totally antagonistic, not we two, but the Hindus and Muslims, that is how the society thinks!! And like a coupled bird in the nest, we will fight the odds and live happily in love forever, that's how we think and expect the things to happen!

Can love break the prejudices of hatred ness in a society like ours or is it that we will fail?

Ok, let's begin the journey of love and hatred ness...

It was the best of times; the season of love.

The springs were hefty with the fragrances of love, every creature were in the best time of their lives; falling in love with themselves and the striking milieu.

The springs had sprung. The milieu itself was like a bride. If people don't fall in love in spring, then what's that spring for?

Though there were never so good times in those springs of 2010, for we had to give the exams of medical Entrance examinations. It was somewhat like biting nails for us to make it through the medical exams.

Since we were residing in Kathmandu, we somehow managed to be in our friend's quarters in Dharan.

Fortuitously, we met friends quickly and got up to the quarter where we were meant to take a pew. I first took a bath and got to the roof to dry my attire.

It was nearly around 5 pm in the evening. The sun was slowly disappearing from the west horizon, its rays of light glimmering in the darkness of clouds faded, and the sky was the viaduct between the day and night yet to occur.

Then, there, I saw a young lass of my age. she was dressed in a red t-shirt and a black Aladdin paint. she had a cute round face with thin lips, her eyes were so curious and her smile so splendour.

From the veranda on the first floor of a two-storeyed house, opposite to our dwellings, she gave me a deadly look. I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Our eyes met: oh god! she caught me staring at her bulks, I was more like a caught robber. I didn't know what to react. BANG! BANG! She went inside the room and kicked the door from inside.

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