The stupid question!

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  • Dedicated to all in love! ❤ ♡

The Next day and it was the day of our lives, the day to prove our worthiness. All the dreams we harvested were to come true this day! yeah, it was the day of exams.

But I was so messed up. I couldn't stop thinking about her. While my friends were roting physics formulae's for the very last time, I wasn't able to fully concentrate in my stuff. And since my last days preparations were messed up, my exam was not good as expected.

After the exams, I rushed towards the quarter. My speed was fast than regular and I don't know what had been attracting me. Maybe it was her!. She was such a beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. without stopping a moment, I climbed towards the roof hoping she would be there outside.And to add to my surprise, she was there.

I couldn't stop "hello". She shook her hand in response.

"Can I say sth?"-I continued.

This time, it was her head that shook in an agreement

"Hmmm! Hmm. The thing is know...that I." I shrugged!

"plz don't be nervous, tell frankly "she spoke in a soft tone.

"The thing is be true, I liked you from the very first sight. I hadn't ever seen a beautiful girl as you are. I am here in my friends quarter for my exams. and swear to god, the day I saw you, I m not able to control myself. My exams didn't go well as all I had done was thinking about you. All that has happened is you have hypnotized my mind." O gosh! I gave such a remark.

"what? as if she was shocked.

"Though I have never been in love with anyone before, I think I m in love with you."

she took a long breath. she took a while, maybe, to recollect her senses.

"can we meet in the BP park at around 4 o clock? I would be waiting for you there"

What did I need else? I replied "yeah, for sure"

Not till that day in my life, had I felt the slowness of time. I was keenly waiting for the moment. I wanted to gently hug her, sleep in her lap, play with her hairs, kiss her and say those three magical words. I wanted to share my feelings with her. I wanted to share all those pain and agonies she had.

Time passed so slowly, and then it was only a couple of minutes ago from the magical time she offered to me.

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